2004 - Джоуи
Довиждане, приятели. Здравей, семейство!
Original title: Joey
Джоуи Трибиани се мести от Ню Йорк в Холивуд, надявайки се да стане известен актьор. Той се сбогува с времето, когато приятелите му са били неговото семейство и приема с отворени обятия възможността да превърне истинските си роднини в приятели. Джоуи живее при сестра си Джина и се сприятелява с нейния 20-годишен син Майкъл, който е истински гений. themoviedb
Интересни връзки
Джоуи subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Joey and the Student
S01E03 Joey and the Party
S01E04 Joey and the Book Club
S01E05 Joey and the Perfect Storm
S01E06 Joey and the Nemesis
S01E07 Joey and the Husband
S01E08 Joey and the Dream Girl (1)
S01E09 Joey and the Dream Girl (2)
S01E10 Joey and the Big Audition
S01E11 Joey and the Road Trip
S01E12 Joey and the Plot Twist
S01E13 Joey and the Taste Test
S01E14 Joey and the Premiere
S01E15 Joey and the Assistant
S01E16 Joey and the Tonight Show
S01E17 Joey and the Valentine's Date
S01E18 Joey and the Wrong Name
S01E19 Joey and the Fancy Sister
S01E20 Joey and the Neighbor
S01E21 Joey and the Spying
S01E22 Joey and the Temptation
S01E23 Joey and the Breakup
S01E24 Joey and the Moving In
S02E01 Joey and the Big Break (1)
S02E02 Joey and the Big Break (2)
S02E03 Joey and the Spanking
S02E04 Joey and the Stuntman
S02E05 Joey and the House
S02E06 Joey and the ESL
S02E07 Joey and the Poker
S02E08 Joey and the Sex Tape
S02E09 Joey and the Musical
S02E10 Joey and the Bachelor Thanksgiving
S02E11 Joey and the High School Friend
S02E12 Joey and the Tijuana Trip
S02E13 Joey and the Christmas Party
S02E14 Joey and the Snowball Fight
S02E15 Joey and the Dad
S02E16 Joey and the Party for Alex
S02E17 Joey and the Big Move
S02E18 Joey and the Beard
S02E19 Joey and the Critic
S02E20 Joey and the Actor's Studio
S02E21 Joey and the Holding Hands
S02E22 Joey and the Wedding
Joey - S02E01 Joey and the Big Break (1) Joey 02x19NEW 0% 40 0 над 5 години
Joey 02x19NEWJoey 02x19NEWJoey - S02E01 Joey and the Big Break (1) Joey 02x14NEW 0% 33 0 над 5 години
Joey 02x14NEWJoey 02x14NEWJoey - S02E11 Joey and the High School Friend Joey 02x11 - Joey and the High School FriendNEW 0% 51 0 над 5 години
Joey 02x11 - Joey and the High School FriendNEWJoey 02x11 - Joey and the High School FriendNEWJoey - S02E17 Joey and the Big Move Joey 02x17 0% 54 0 над 7 години
Joey 02x17Joey 02x17Joey - S01E16 Joey and the Tonight Show joey.116.hdtv-lol 0% 65 0 над 11 години
joey. 116. hdtv-loljoey.116.hdtv-lolJoey - S01E15 Joey and the Assistant joey.115.hdtv-lol 0% 60 0 над 11 години
joey. 115. hdtv-loljoey.115.hdtv-lolJoey - S01E06 Joey and the Nemesis Joey 01x06 - Joey and the Nemesis 0% 58 0 над 11 години
Joey 01x06 - Joey and the NemesisJoey 01x06 - Joey and the NemesisДжоуи - S02E20 Joey and the Actor's Studio Joey - 2x20 0% 129 0 около 14 години
Joey - 2x20Joey - 2x20Joey - S01E15 Joey and the Assistant Joey - 01x15 - Joey and the Assistant 0% 91 0 около 14 години
Joey - 01x15 - Joey and the AssistantJoey - 01x15 - Joey and the AssistantJoey - S2E12
Joey. S02E12-213. HDTV. XviD-LOLJoey.S02E12-213.HDTV.XviD-LOL"Joey" Joey and the Tijuana Trip Joey.S02E12-213.HDTV.XviD-LOL 0% 69 0 около 14 години
Joey - S02E07 Joey and the Poker Joey - Season 2 - 07 0% 64 0 около 14 години
Joey - Season 2 - 07Joey - Season 2 - 07Joey - S01E18 Joey and the Wrong Name joey.118.hdtv-lol.[BT] 0% 63 0 над 14 години
joey. 118. hdtv-lol. [BT]joey.118.hdtv-lol.[BT]Joey - S01E16 Joey and the Tonight Show Joey.1x16.And.The.Tonight.Show 0% 70 0 над 14 години
Joey. 1x16. And. The. Tonight. ShowJoey.1x16.And.The.Tonight.ShowJoey - S02E12 Joey and the Tijuana Trip Joey.S02E12.E13.HR.HDTV.AC3.2.0.XviD-NBS 0% 78 0 над 14 години
Joey. S02E12. E13. HR. HDTV. AC3. 2. 0. XviD-NBSJoey.S02E12.E13.HR.HDTV.AC3.2.0.XviD-NBSДжоуи - S01E22 Joey and the Temptation Joey 01x22 - Joey and the Temptation 0% 99 0 над 14 години
Joey 01x22 - Joey and the TemptationJoey 01x22 - Joey and the TemptationJoey - S01E19 Joey and the Fancy Sister Joey 01x19 - Joey and the Fancy Sister 0% 102 0 над 14 години
Joey 01x19 - Joey and the Fancy SisterJoey 01x19 - Joey and the Fancy SisterJoey - S1E17
Joey 01x17 - Joey and the Valentines DateJoey 01x17 - Joey and the Valentines Date"Joey" Joey and the Valentine's Date Joey 01x17 - Joey and the Valentine's Date 0% 44 0 над 14 години
Joey - S01E12 Joey and the Plot Twist Joey.1x12.And.The.Plot.Twist 0% 55 0 над 14 години
Joey. 1x12. And. The. Plot. TwistJoey.1x12.And.The.Plot.TwistJoey - S01E13 Joey and the Taste Test Joey.1x13.And.The.Taste.Test 0% 59 0 над 14 години
Joey. 1x13. And. The. Taste. TestJoey.1x13.And.The.Taste.TestJoey - S01E14 Joey and the Premiere Joey.1x14.And.The.Premiere 0% 64 0 над 14 години
Joey. 1x14. And. The. PremiereJoey.1x14.And.The.PremiereДжоуи - S02E21 Joey and the Holding Hands 221 - Joey and the Holding Hands 0% 147 0 над 14 години
221 - Joey and the Holding Hands221 - Joey and the Holding HandsJoey - S01E03 Joey y la fiesta Joey.1x03.And.The.Party 0% 126 0 над 14 години
Joey. 1x03. And. The. PartyJoey.1x03.And.The.PartyJoey - S01E04 Joey and the Book Club Joey.1x04.And.The.Book.Club 0% 94 0 над 14 години
Joey. 1x04. And. The. Book. ClubJoey.1x04.And.The.Book.ClubДжоуи - S01E05 Joey and the Perfect Storm Joey.1x05.And.Perfect.Storm 0% 117 0 над 14 години
Joey. 1x05. And. Perfect. StormJoey.1x05.And.Perfect.Storm