2015 - Gate: Jieitai Kanochi Nite, Kaku Tatakaeri
Original title: ゲート 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり
Um portal aparece no distrito de Ginza, em Tóquio, em pleno século 21. Monstros surgem por esse portal, além de cavaleiros da Idade Média europeia e outros seres de histórias de fantasia, os quais matam muitos civis de Tóquio. Este acontecimento ficou conhecido como Caso de Ginza. O governo envia um pequeno grupo de soldados das Forças de Defesa Japonesa pelo portal para o outro mundo. Liderado pelo soldado otaku Youji, eles descobrem que as pessoas dali estão sendo atacadas por um dragão. Uma garota elfa, sobrevivente do ataque do dragão, se junta ao grupo que viajará pelo perigoso e novo mundo. themoviedb
Endereços Úteis
Gate: Jieitai Kanochi Nite, Kaku Tatakaeri subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 O Esquadrão De Auto-Defesa Vai Para O Outro Mundo
S01E02 Duas Forças Militares
S01E03 Dragão De Fogo
S01E04 Para As Terras Desconhecidas
S01E05 A Batalha De Italica
S01E06 Ride Of Valkyries
S01E07 A Decisão Da Princesa
S01E08 O Japão Além Do Portal
S01E09 A Luta Noturna Na Montanha Hakone
S01E10 Desespero E Esperança
S01E11 Visitante
S01E12 O Que Itami Faria?
S01E13 Começa O Banquete
S02E02 "Gate" The Imperial Capital Quake
S02E03 "Gate" Tuka Luna Marceau
S02E04 "Gate" The Fire Dragon, Once More
S02E05 "Gate" Decisive Battle
S02E06 "Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri" The Magic City of Rondel
S02E07 "Gate" Dangerous Sisters
S02E08 "Gate" Lover
S02E09 "Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri" Deadline
S02E10 "Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri" The Empress in Slave's Clothing
S02E11 "Gate" Paradrop
S02E12 "Gate" Thus, They Fought There
Gate - S02E12 "Gate" Thus, They Fought There [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E24 Thus They Fought[eng] 0% 120 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E24 Thus They Fought[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E24 Thus They Fought[eng]Gate - S02E11 "Gate" Paradrop [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E23 Paradrop[eng] 0% 71 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E23 Paradrop[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E23 Paradrop[eng]Gate - S02E10 "Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri" The Empress in Slave's Clothing [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E22 The Empress in Slave's Clothing[eng] 0% 58 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E22 The Empress in Slaves Clothing[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E22 The Empress in Slaves Clothing[eng]Gate - S02E09 "Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri" Deadline [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E21 Deadline[eng] 0% 75 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E21 Deadline[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E21 Deadline[eng]Gate - S02E08 "Gate" Lover [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E20 Lover[eng] 0% 72 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E20 Lover[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E20 Lover[eng]Gate - S02E07 "Gate" Dangerous Sisters [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E19 Dangerous Sisters[eng] 0% 131 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E19 Dangerous Sisters[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E19 Dangerous Sisters[eng]Gate - S02E06 "Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri" The Magic City of Rondel [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E18 The Magic City of Rondel[eng] 0% 84 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E18 The Magic City of Rondel[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E18 The Magic City of Rondel[eng]Gate - S02E05 "Gate" Decisive Battle [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E17 Decisive Battle[eng] 0% 75 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E17 Decisive Battle[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E17 Decisive Battle[eng]Gate - S02E04 "Gate" The Fire Dragon, Once More [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E16 The Fire Dragon, Once More[eng] 0% 74 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E16 The Fire Dragon_ Once More[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E16 The Fire Dragon_ Once More[eng]Gate - S02E03 "Gate" Tuka Luna Marceau [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E15 Tuka Luna Marceau[eng] 0% 77 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E15 Tuka Luna Marceau[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E15 Tuka Luna Marceau[eng]Gate - S02E02 "Gate" The Imperial Capital Quake [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E14 The Imperial Capital Quake[eng] 0% 83 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E14 The Imperial Capital Quake[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E14 The Imperial Capital Quake[eng]Gate - S01E13 The Banquet Begins [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E13 The Banquet Begins[eng] 0% 89 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E13 The Banquet Begins[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E13 The Banquet Begins[eng]Gate - S01E12 What Would Itami Do? [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E12 What Would Itami Do[eng] 0% 535 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E12 What Would Itami Do[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E12 What Would Itami Do[eng]Gate - S01E11 Visitor [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E11 Visitor[eng] 0% 544 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E11 Visitor[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E11 Visitor[eng]Gate - S01E10 Despair and Hope [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E10 Despair and Hope[eng] 0% 527 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E10 Despair and Hope[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E10 Despair and Hope[eng]Gate - S01E09 The Hakone Mountain Night Battle [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E09 The Hakone Mountain Night Battle[eng] 0% 547 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E09 The Hakone Mountain Night Battle[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E09 The Hakone Mountain Night Battle[eng]Gate - S01E08 Japan, Beyond the Gate [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E08 Japan, Beyond the Gate[eng] 0% 607 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E08 Japan_ Beyond the Gate[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E08 Japan_ Beyond the Gate[eng]Gate - S01E07 The Princess's Decision [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E07 The Princess's Decision[eng] 0% 584 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E07 The Princesss Decision[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E07 The Princesss Decision[eng]Gate - S01E06 Ride of the Valkyries [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E06 Ride of the Valkyries[eng] 0% 629 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E06 Ride of the Valkyries[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E06 Ride of the Valkyries[eng]Gate - S01E05 The Battle of Italica [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E05 The Battle of Italica[eng] 0% 624 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E05 The Battle of Italica[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E05 The Battle of Italica[eng]Gate - S01E04 To Unknown Lands [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E04 To Unknown Lands[eng] 0% 617 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E04 To Unknown Lands[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E04 To Unknown Lands[eng]Gate - S01E03 Fire Dragon [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E03 Fire Dragon[eng] 0% 472 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E03 Fire Dragon[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E03 Fire Dragon[eng]Gate - S01E02 Two Military Forces [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E02 The Two Armies[eng] 0% 745 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E02 The Two Armies[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E02 The Two Armies[eng]Gate - S01E01 The Self-Defense Force Goes to Another World [Crunchyroll] GATE S01E01 The Self-Defense Force Goes to Another World[eng] 0% 1452 0 almost 3 years
[Crunchyroll] GATE S01E01 The Self-Defense Force Goes to Another World[eng][Crunchyroll] GATE S01E01 The Self-Defense Force Goes to Another World[eng]