2024 - Übel Blatt
Original title: Übel Blatt ~ユーベルブラット~
Fourteen warriors set out to prevent an invasion, but only seven return. Three died along the way, and four were slain for betraying the empire. In truth, it is the Seven Heroes who turned on their allies so they could take all the glory. Ascheriit was their victim, but now, 20 years later, he is back to get revenge. themoviedb
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Übel Blatt subtitles for episodes from season 1
S01E01 Durch Bruch (Break Through)
S01E02 Unter Morgen Monde (Under the Morning Moons)
S01E03 Langer Regen (The Long Rain)
S01E04 Episode 4
S01E05 Episode 5
S01E06 Schtemwölech
S01E07 Der leere Sarg (The Empty Coffin)
S01E08 Episode 8
S01E09 Episode 9