1996 - El Detectiu Conan
Original title: 名探偵コナン
En Shinichi Kudo és un detectiu adolescent que tot sovint ajuda la policia a resoldre casos. Durant una trobada amb la Ran Mouri, la seva amiga de la infància, en un parc d'atraccions, en Shinichi veu dos homes vestits de negre fent un intercanvi sospitós. El descobreixen i li fan prendre un verí experimental amb la intenció de matar-lo. Tanmateix, un efecte secundari fa que en Shinichi s'encongeixi i es converteixi en un nen petit. Amb l'ajuda del doctor Agasa, el seu veí inventor, adopta la identitat d'en Conan Edogawa, nom format a partir dels d'Arthur Conan Doyle i Edogawa Ranpo. Així vol evitar que els que l'han encongit, l'Organització dels Homes de Negre, el trobin i el matin a ell i als del seu voltant. Precisament per aquesta raó decideix no revelar la seva identitat a ningú més. Se'n va a viure a casa de la Ran i el seu pare, el mediocre detectiu privat Kogoro Mouri, on espera investigar sobre els que l'han encongit.[3] En Shinichi es matricula a l'escola primària, on fa amistat amb un grup de nens que formaran la Lliga de Detectius Júnior, i resol els casos en nom d'en Kogoro Mouri fent ús d'un llaç transformador de veu i un rellotge amb dards anestèsics creats pel doctor Agasa. Durant la investigació per desemmascarar l'Organització i trobar un antídot del verí que l'ha empetitit, en Shinichi coneixerà antics membres d'aquest grup criminal, com l'Ai Haibara —qui s'ha pres el verí per fugir-ne—, i ajudarà l'FBI a infiltrar-hi una agent com a espia. themoviedb
Vincles interessants
Primers tasts
El Detectiu Conan subtitles for episodes from season 53
S53E01 "Detective Conan" The Moonlight Sonata Murder: Part 1
S53E02 "Detective Conan" The Moonlight Sonata Murder: Part 2
S53E03 "Detective Conan" Beika Shopping District Dust Mystery
S53E04 "Detective Conan" The 36-Cell Perfect Game: Part 1
S53E05 "Detective Conan" The 36-Cell Perfect Game: Part 2
S53E06 "Detective Conan" The 36-Cell Perfect Game: Part 3
S53E07 "Detective Conan" Who Poisoned the Victim?
S53E08 "Detective Conan" Out For Revenge (Part One)
S53E09 "Detective Conan" Out For Revenge (Part Two)
S53E10 "Detective Conan" The Lost Article That Smells Like a Case
S53E11 "Detective Conan" The Idol Whose Smile Disappeared
S53E12 "Detective Conan" Wild Plants Hunting and Clover (Part One)
S53E13 "Detective Conan" Wild Plants Hunting and Clover (Part Two)
S53E14 "Detective Conan" The Man Who Loved Too Much
S53E15 "Detective Conan" The Novelist Known as the Demon King
S53E16 "Detective Conan" Stakeout
S53E17 "Detective Conan" The Monorail Sniper Case Part 1
S53E18 "Detective Conan" The Monorail Sniper Case Part 2
S53E19 "Detective Conan" The Hidden Antique Part 1
S53E20 "Detective Conan" The Hidden Antique Part 2
S53E21 "Detective Conan" The Hidden Antique Part 3
S53E22 "Detective Conan" Rondo in Bad Company
S53E23 "Detective Conan" Curse Museum
S53E24 "Detective Conan" The Whistling Bookstore 3
S53E26 "Detective Conan" Momiji Ooka's Challenge (Part 1)
S53E27 "Detective Conan" Momiji Ooka's Challenge (Part 2)
S53E28 "Detective Conan" The Unspeakable Witness
S53E30 "Detective Conan" The Ballad of the Cake-Loving Woman
S53E31 "Detective Conan" Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Jinpei Matsuda
S53E32 "Detective Conan" The Blank Year
S53E33 "Detective Conan" The Blank Year
S53E34 "Detective Conan" Ran Mouri, The Model
S53E35 "Detective Conan" Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Opening Move)
S53E36 "Detective Conan" Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Part 2)
S53E37 "Detective Conan" Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Checkmate)
S53E38 "Detective Conan" Whiteout: Part 1
S53E39 "Detective Conan" Whiteout: Part 2
S53E40 "Detective Conan" Police Academy Arc: Wild Police Story - Case. Date Wataru
S53E41 "Detective Conan" The Flying Jack-o'-lantern
S53E42 "Detective Conan" The Case of Ayumi's Illustrated Diary 2
S53E43 "Detective Conan" The Unstated Alibi
S53E44 "Detective Conan" Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Kenji Hagiwara
S53E45 "Detective Conan" The Figure of Revenge
S53E46 "Detective Conan" The Deadly Pork Soup Signal
S53E47 The Birthday Party of Divine Punishment: Part 1
S53E48 The Birthday Party of Divine Punishment: Part 2
S53E49 "Detective Conan" The Red Sheep's Eerie Game: Part 1
S53E50 "Detective Conan" The Red Sheep's Eerie Game: Part 2
S53E51 The Threat to Megure's Police Career
S53E52 "Detective Conan" Intrigue at Morikawa Mansion: Part 1
S53E53 Intrigue at Morikawa Mansion: Part 2
S53E54 "Detective Conan" The Detective Boys' Test of Courage
S53E55 The Spark That Fell on the Ranch: Part 1
S53E58 "Detective Conan" Wanting to Bring That Person Back
S53E59 "Detective Conan" Bad Guys
S53E62 "Detective Conan" Yoko Okino and the Locked Attic: Part 2
S53E63 "Detective Conan" Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Hiromitsu Morofushi
S53E64 "Detective Conan" The Spiral of Rain and Malice
S53E65 "Detective Conan" The Targeted Chicken Sexer
S53E66 "Detective Conan" The Dreamy-Eyed Woman's Last Shot at Love
S53E75 "Detective Conan" The Detective Boys' Pursuit of the Purse-snatcher
S53E76 "Detective Conan" The Boiled Fugu Mystery Tour Showdown: Mojiko & Kokura Part
S53E77 "Detective Conan" The Boiled Fugu Mystery Tour Showdown: Shimonoseki Part
S53E128 "Detective Conan" The Case of Ayumi's Illustrated Diary 4
S53E129 "Detective Conan" The Detective Who Lost His Mind
S53E130 "Detective Conan" The Interrogation Room 2
S53E131 "Detective Conan" Conan and Megure's Two Hostages: Part 1
S53E132 "Detective Conan" Conan and Megure's Two Hostages: Part 2
S53E133 "Detective Conan" Infidelity Concerns of Triple Collaboration: Part 1
S53E134 "Detective Conan" Infidelity Concerns of Triple Collaboration: Part 2
S53E135 "Detective Conan" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's Detective Notes 3