1996 - Superman: The Animated Series
Superman, an incredibly powerful alien from the planet Krypton, defends Metropolis from supercriminals. Superman hides his identity behind the glasses of Clark Kent; a mild-mannered reporter for the newspaper the Daily Planet. At the Daily Planet Superman works with fellow reporter Lois Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen. themoviedb
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Superman: The Animated Series subtitles for episodes from season 3
S03E01 Hvor Der Er Røg
S03E02 Knight Time
S03E03 New Kids in Town
S03E04 Obsession
S03E05 Little Big Head Man
S03E06 Absolute Power
S03E07 In Brightest Day...
S03E08 Superman's Pal
S03E09 A Fish Story
S03E10 Unity
S03E11 The Demon Reborn
S03E12 Legacy (1)
S03E13 Legacy (2)