1999 - Digimon
Champions of the Digital World.
Original title: デジモンアドベンチャー
Acht auserwählte Kinder werden während eines Sommercamps in eine fremde Welt gezogen und treffen dort auf Wesen, die sich als Digimon vorstellen und sich als "Partner" der Kinder herausstellen. themoviedb
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Digimon subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 So fing alles an
S01E02 Greymons Geburt
S01E03 Nächtliches Abenteuer
S01E04 Im Dorf der Yokomon
S01E05 Die geheimnisvolle Fabrik
S01E06 Der seltsame Bürgermeister
S01E07 Gomamons Verwandlung
S01E08 Der Herr der Dunkelheit
S01E09 Verschollen in Eis und Schnee
S01E10 Das geheimnisvolle Labyrinth
S01E11 Tanz der Bakemon
S01E12 Digi-Baby-Boom
S01E13 Die Legende der Digiritter
S01E14 Abschied von der Insel
S01E15 Das erste Wappen
S01E16 Lektion für Tai
S01E17 Die Kaktusblüte
S01E18 Schule des Lebens
S01E19 Der Gefangene in der Pyramide
S01E20 Bewährungsprobe
S01E21 Wieder zu Hause
S01E22 Nichts als Lügen
S01E23 Im Namen der Freundschaft
S01E24 Der Kampf um Izzys Wappen
S01E25 Prinzessin Karaoke
S01E26 Im Zeichen der Liebe
S01E27 Das Tor zur Welt
S01E28 Sesam öffne dich
S01E29 Der erste Kampf der Digimon
S01E30 Heimkehr mit Hindernissen
S01E31 Der achte Digiritter
S01E32 Kari in Gefahr
S01E33 Freunde für kurze Zeit
S01E34 Endlich gefunden
S01E35 Die Nebelwand
S01E36 Eine schwere Entscheidung
S01E37 Wizardmons Opfer
S01E38 Alle gegen VenomMyotismon
S01E39 Zusammentreffen zweier Welten
S01E40 Rückkehr in die Digiwelt
S01E41 Seadramons Rache
S01E42 Whamon, der Held
S01E43 T.K. wird erwachsen
S01E44 Cherrymons Intrige
S01E45 Bilder aus der Vergangenheit
S01E46 Getrennte Wege
S01E47 Die Stadt des ewigen Anfangs
S01E48 Plan Z
S01E49 Wieder vereint
S01E50 LadyDevimon
S01E51 Der Höllenclown
S01E52 Der letzte Meister der Dunkelheit
S01E53 Ein neuer Feind
S01E54 Abschied ohne Wiedersehen?
S02E01 Tais Erbe
S02E02 Das Tor zur Digi-Welt öffnet sich
S02E03 Hoffnung und Licht
S02E04 Die Schwarzen Türme
S02E05 Der Kampf mit dem DigimonKaiser
S02E06 Gefährliches Picknick
S02E07 Wiedersehen mit Andromon
S02E08 Kens Geheimnis
S02E09 Experimente
S02E10 Die Teufelsspirale
S02E11 Raidramon, der blaue Donner
S02E12 Hüter der Gerechtigkeit
S02E13 Rufe aus einer anderen Welt
S02E14 Mimi und ihr amerikanischer Freund
S02E15 Shurimon, der flinke Kämpfer
S02E16 Cody, der Retter
S02E17 Gespenstische Rufe
S02E18 DigimonKaisers Stützpunkt
S02E19 T.K. gegen DigimonKaiser
S02E20 Das Goldene Magnamon
S02E21 Digimon Kaisers Ende
S02E22 Der Wiederaufbau
S02E23 Kens Vergangenheit
S02E24 Der Neue Ken
S02E25 Das Geheimnis der Schwarzen Türme
S02E26 Paildramon – Die Verschmelzung
S02E27 Einzelgänger Ken
S02E28 Willkommen im Giga-Haus
S02E29 Bezaubernde Flötenklänge
S02E30 BlackWarGreymons Geburt
S02E31 Mädchenpower
S02E32 Der Geheimnisvolle Stein
S02E33 Yoleis Schulausflug
S02E34 Auf verlorenem Posten
S02E35 Cody in Gefahr
S02E36 Das China-Restaurant
S02E37 Das weise Azulongmon
S02E38 Digimon-Party!
S02E39 Digimon-Invasion
S02E40 Mit vereinten Kräften
S02E41 DigiChaos auf den Kontinenten
S02E42 Russisch für Anfänger
S02E43 Entführung der Kinder
S02E44 Eine Stadt wird verwüstet
S02E45 Das Tor zur Finsternis
S02E46 Kleine Genies
S02E47 Die Saat des Bösen
S02E48 Neuer Terror für die DigiWelt
S02E49 Wundersame Waffe
S02E50 Lebe Deine Träume
S03E01 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Guilmon Comes Alive
S03E02 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Digimon, Digimon Everywhere
S03E03 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" To Fight or Not to Fight
S03E04 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" It Came from the Other Side
S03E05 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Dream a Little Dream
S03E06 O Partner, Where Art Thou?
S03E07 Now You See It, Now You Don't
S03E09 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Not as Seen on TV
S03E10 The Icemon Cometh
S03E11 Much Ado About Musyamon
S03E12 Divided They Stand
S03E13 Juggernaut
S03E14 Grow Mon Grow
S03E15 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Snakes, Trains, and Digimon
S03E16 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Back to Nature, Back to Battle
S03E17 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Duel with the Deva
S03E18 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Digital Beauty
S03E19 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Impmon's Last Stand
S03E20 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Out of the Blue
S03E21 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Jeri's Quest
S03E22 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" The Boar Wars
S03E23 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" A World Apart
S03E24 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" The Journey Begins
S03E25 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Brave New Digital World
S03E26 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure
S03E27 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Motorcycle Madness
S03E28 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Blame It on Ryo
S03E29 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Goliath
S03E30 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" The Imperfect Storm
S03E31 Kazu's Upgrade
S03E32 Shibumi Speaks
S03E33 Rabbit Transit
S03E34 Lionheart
S03E35 Give a Little Bit
S03E36 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" The Battle Within
S03E37 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" No Mon Is an Island
S03E38 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Azulongmon Explains It All
S03E39 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Song of Sakuyamon
S03E40 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Janyu's Ark
S03E41 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Homeward Bound
S03E42 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Reunion
S03E43 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Beelzemon's Big Day
S03E44 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" The Messenger
S03E45 The D-Reaper's Disguise
S03E46 When Is a Mon Justimon?
S03E47 His Kingdom for a Horse
S03E48 Shadow of the Beast King
S03E49 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" D-Reaper's Feast
S03E50 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Jeri Fights Back
S03E51 "Digimon: Digital Monsters" Such Sweet Sorrow
Digimon Adventure - S01E54 The Fate of Two Worlds [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_54_END_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[68187049] 0% 7 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_54_END_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[68187049][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_54_END_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[68187049]Digimon Adventure - S01E53 Now Apocalymon [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_53_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[2B56D3A2] 0% 4 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_53_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[2B56D3A2][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_53_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[2B56D3A2]Digimon Adventure - S01E52 Piedmon's Last Jest [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_52_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[B0CC4D35] 0% 6 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_52_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[B0CC4D35][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_52_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[B0CC4D35]Digimon Adventure - S01E50 Joe's Battle [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_50_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[E5222C79] 0% 31 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_50_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[E5222C79][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_50_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[E5222C79]Digimon Adventure - S01E51 The Crest of Friendship [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_51_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[7D984891] 0% 2 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_51_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[7D984891][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_51_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[7D984891]Digimon Adventure - S01E49 The Crest of Light [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_49_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[717ED5A4] 0% 9 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_49_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[717ED5A4][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_49_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[717ED5A4]Digimon Adventure - S01E48 My Sister's Keeper [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_48_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[67EAA24C] 0% 2 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_48_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[67EAA24C][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_48_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[67EAA24C]Digimon Adventure - S01E43 Playing Games [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_43_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[2E08E29E] 0% 2 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_43_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[2E08E29E][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_43_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[2E08E29E]Digimon Adventure - S01E40 Enter the Dark Masters [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_40_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[CB7C1FE8] 0% 5 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_40_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[CB7C1FE8][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_40_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[CB7C1FE8]Digimon Adventure - S01E39 The Battle for Earth [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_39_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[84B6F75D] 0% 29 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_39_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[84B6F75D][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_39_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[84B6F75D]Digimon Adventure - S01E38 Prophecy [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_38_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[6C42E530] 0% 5 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_38_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[6C42E530][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_38_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[6C42E530]Digimon Adventure - S01E37 Wizardmon's Gift [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_37_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[A68494D2] 0% 5 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_37_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[A68494D2][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_37_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[A68494D2]Digimon Adventure - S01E36 City Under Siege [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_36_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[057B482A] 0% 4 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_36_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[057B482A][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_36_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[057B482A]Digimon Adventure - S01E35 Flower Power [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_35_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[3D38E060] 0% 6 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_35_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[3D38E060][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_35_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[3D38E060]Digimon Adventure - S01E33 Out on the Town [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_33_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[C6DD9E71] 0% 4 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_33_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[C6DD9E71][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_33_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[C6DD9E71]Digimon Adventure - S01E31 The Eighth Digivice [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_31_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[BA1F2D08] 0% 41 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_31_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[BA1F2D08][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_31_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[BA1F2D08]Digimon Adventure - S01E30 Almost Home Free [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_30_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[1105905C] 0% 47 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_30_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[1105905C][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_30_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[1105905C]Digimon Adventure - S01E28 It's All in the Cards [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_28_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[44C7DEC4] 0% 4 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_28_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[44C7DEC4][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_28_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[44C7DEC4]Digimon Adventure - S01E27 The Gateway to Home [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_27_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[ABEB91A6] 0% 7 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_27_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[ABEB91A6][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_27_(DVD_h264_AAC)_[ABEB91A6]Digimon Adventure - S01E26 Sora's Crest of Love [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_26_(h264)_[9ADB780A] 0% 28 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_26_(h264)_[9ADB780A][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_26_(h264)_[9ADB780A]Digimon Adventure - S01E24 No Questions, Please [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_24_(h264)_[D4F852C5] 0% 5 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_24_(h264)_[D4F852C5][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_24_(h264)_[D4F852C5]Digimon Adventure - S01E11 The Dancing Digimon [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_11_(h264)_[072101CD] 0% 26 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_11_(h264)_[072101CD][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_11_(h264)_[072101CD]Digimon Adventure - S01E10 A Clue from the Digi-Past [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_10_(h264)_[D99655F7] 0% 28 0 7 Monate
[RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_10_(h264)_[D99655F7][RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_10_(h264)_[D99655F7]Digimon Adventure - S01E01 And So It Begins... [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_01_(h264)_[B065F2BF] 0% 268 0 7 Monate