1968 - Hawaii Five-O
Book 'Em, Danno!
Hawaii Five-O is an American police procedural drama series produced by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. Set in Hawaii, the show originally aired for 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980, and continues in reruns. Jack Lord portrayed Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the head of a special state police task force which was based on an actual unit that existed under martial law in the 1940s. The theme music composed by Morton Stevens became especially popular. Many episodes would end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!", sometimes specifying a charge such as "murder one". themoviedb
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Hawaii Five-O subtitles for episodes from season 11
S11E01 The Sleeper
S11E02 Horoscope For Murder
S11E03 Deadly Courier
S11E04 The Case Against Philip Christie
S11E05 Small Potatoes
S11E06 A Distant Thunder
S11E07 Death Mask
S11E08 The Pagoda Factor
S11E09 A Long Time Ago
S11E10 Why Won't Linda Die?
S11E11 The Miracle Man
S11E12 Number One With A Bullet (1)
S11E13 Number One With A Bullet (2)
S11E14 The Meighan Conspiracy
S11E15 The Spirit Is Willie
S11E16 The Bark And The Bite
S11E17 Stringer
S11E18 The Execution File
S11E19 A Very Personal Matter
S11E20 The Skyline Killer
S11E21 The Year Of The Horse (1)