2011 - Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior
Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior was a short-lived American police procedural drama that aired on CBS. The show debuted in 2011 as a spin-off from the successful Criminal Minds, which had premiered in 2005. This edition's profiling team also worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia. In an April 2010 episode of Criminal Minds, during the show's fifth season, the original team met the new team and worked with them to find a San Francisco serial killer. This episode served as the new series' backdoor pilot. themoviedb
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Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior subtitles for episodes from season 1
S01E01 Two of a Kind
S01E02 Lonely Hearts
S01E03 See No Evil
S01E04 One Shot Kill
S01E05 Here Is the Fire
S01E06 Devotion
S01E07 Jane
S01E08 Nighthawk
S01E09 Smother
S01E10 The Time Is Now
S01E11 Strays
S01E12 The Girl in the Blue Mask
S01E13 Death by a Thousand Cuts