2014 - Utopia
Nation Building - One white elephant at a time.
Ubicado dentro de las oficinas de la "Autoridad de Construcción de la Nación", una organización gubernamental de reciente creación responsable de supervisar los principales proyectos de infraestructura, Utopía explora ese momento en el que la burocracia y los grandes sueños chocan. Es un tributo a aquellos líderes políticos que de alguna manera lograron adoptar una visión a largo plazo y utilizarla para obtener ganancias a corto plazo. themoviedb
Enlaces interesantes
Utopia subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Wood for the Trees
S01E02 Protected Species
S01E03 Very Fast Turnover
S01E04 Onwards and Upwards
S01E05 Arts and Minds
S01E06 Then We Can Build It
S01E07 The First Project
S01E08 The Whole Enchilada
S02E01 A Fresh Start
S02E02 Shovel's Ready
S02E03 Keep Out: Public Property
S02E04 Dot Dot Dot
S02E05 Terminal Problems
S02E06 Starting the Conversation
S02E07 Reporting for Duty
S02E08 Summit Attempt
S03E01 Blue Sky Thinking
S03E02 Smart Cities
S03E03 Nation Shapers
S03E04 Clause For Concern
S03E05 Start Up
S03E06 Snouts In The Trough
S03E07 On The Defence
S03E08 Independence Day
S04E01 The Law's The Law
S04E02 Working With Children
S04E03 Pipe Dreams
S04E04 Mission Creeps
S04E05 The Blame Game
S04E06 Ticks Of Approval
S04E07 Levers Of Power
S04E08 The Ghost of Christmas Future
S05E01 The Buck Stops Where?
S05E02 Grand Designs
S05E03 The Promise Land
S05E04 Tunnel Vision
S05E05 Lights, Camera, Inaction
S05E06 Story Time
S05E07 Frequently Avoided Questions
S05E08 Wide Awoke