1982 - Politseirühm
When these cops crack down on crime... you crack up with laughter!
Original title: Police Squad!
Frank Drebin on ühteaegu Los Angelese rumalaim ja edukaim politseinik. Olgu tegu saladusliku lehmamõrvaga, kahe surnuga, kes üksteist ära kägistanud olevat - Frenk Drebin lahendab kõik oma ettearvamatute võimetega. Teda abistavad laborant Ted Olson ja kingapuhastaja Johnny, kelle entsüklopeedilised teadmised on töös asendamatud. Ainult tema kapten, Ed Hocken, on tihti meeleheite ja infarkti äärel Drebini meetodite tõttu. themoviedb
Huvitavad lingid
Police Squad! - S01E01 A Substantial Gift (The Broken Promise) PoliceSquadS01e01-ASubstantialGifttheBrokenPromise 0% 86 0 peaaegu 5 aastat
PoliceSquadS01e01-ASubstantialGifttheBrokenPromisePoliceSquadS01e01-ASubstantialGifttheBrokenPromisePolice Squad! - S01E03 The Butler Did It (A Bird in the Hand) Police Squad! s01e03 - The Butler Did It (A Bird in the Hand) 0% 101 0 üle 9 aasta
Police Squad! s01e03 - The Butler Did It (A Bird in the Hand)Police Squad! s01e03 - The Butler Did It (A Bird in the Hand)Police Squad! - S01E01 A Substantial Gift (The Broken Promise) Police Squad! s01e01 - A Substantial Gift (The Broken Promise) 0% 238 0 üle 9 aasta
Police Squad! s01e01 - A Substantial Gift (The Broken Promise)Police Squad! s01e01 - A Substantial Gift (The Broken Promise)Police Squad! - S01E02 Ring of Fear (A Dangerous Assignment) Police_Squad!_-_1x02_-_Ring_Of_Fear_(A_Dangerous_Assignment) 0% 120 0 peaaegu 11 aastat
Police_Squad!-1x02-Ring_Of_Fear_(A_Dangerous_Assignment)Police_Squad!-1x02-Ring_Of_Fear_(A_Dangerous_Assignment)Police Squad! - S01E06 Testimony of Evil (Dead Men Don't Laugh) Police Squad! s01e06 - Testimony of Evil (Dead Men Don't Laugh) 0% 126 0 peaaegu 12 aastat
Police Squad! s01e06 - Testimony of Evil (Dead Men Dont Laugh)Police Squad! s01e06 - Testimony of Evil (Dead Men Dont Laugh)