2016 - הרעשנים
Original title: The Loud House
לינקולן רעש הוא ילד בן 11 המתגורר בבית אחד עם 10 אחיותיו: לורי הבכורה והאחראית, לני היפהפייה האיטית במקצת, לונה המתעתדת להפוך לכוכבת רוק, לואן חובבת הקונדסים, לין האתלטית האנרגטית, לוסי הגותית, לולה ולאנה- תאומות שהן גם הפכים מוחלטים, ליסה שהיא עילוי אינטלקטואלי והתינוקת לילי שאין לה עדיין תכונות אבל סביר להניח שיהיו לה כשתתבגר. לינקולן חייב להתמודד עם מריבות הקשורות לפיצה, כסף, טלוויזיה ועניינים בכיתה ולאהבה אך בסוף הכל מסתדר. themoviedb
קישורים מעניינים
הרעשנים subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S00E00 "The Loud House" Put a Sock in It
S00E00 "The Loud House" The Maltese Bear
S00E00 "The Loud House" King of the Chair
S00E00 "The Loud House" 10 Headed Beast
S00E00 The Maltese Bear
S00E02 The Maltese Bear
S00E07 "The Loud House" 12 Days of Christmas
S00E19 "The Loud House" Robot Sitcom
S00E20 "The Loud House" Robot Reboot
S00E20 "The Loud House" No End in Bite
S00E20 "The Loud House" Lincoln Loud's Holly Jolly Gift Guide
S00E20 "The Loud House" Bathroom Break!!
S00E20 "The Loud House" Deuces Wild
S00E20 "The Loud House" So Long, Sucker
S01E01 Left in the Dark
S01E02 Get the Message
S01E03 Heavy Meddle
S01E04 Making the Case
S01E05 Along Came a Sister
S01E06 Heavy Meddle
S01E07 Project Loud House
S01E08 In Tents Debate
S01E09 Chore and Peace
S01E10 A Tale of Two Tables
S01E11 Driving Miss Hazy
S01E12 No Guts, No Glori
S01E13 Picture Perfect
S01E14 Sleuth or Consequences
S01E15 Linc or Swim
S01E16 Hand-Me-Downer
S01E17 Sleuth or Consequences
S01E18 Changing the Baby
S01E19 Sound of Silence
S01E20 Space Invader
S01E20 Space Invader
S01E20 Space Invader
S01E20 Space Invader
S01E21 For Bros About to Rock
S01E22 Ties That Bind
S01E23 The Green House
S01E24 Butterfly Effect
S01E25 It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House
S01E26 House Music
S02E01 Intern for the Worse
S02E02 The Old and the Restless
S02E03 11 Louds a Leapin'
S02E04 Suite and Sour
S02E05 Baby Steps
S02E06 Brawl in the Family
S02E07 Back in Black
S02E08 The Whole Picture
S02E09 Lock 'N Loud
S02E10 Vantastic Voyage
S02E11 Making the Grade
S02E12 No Such Luck
S02E13 Frog Wild
S02E14 Patching Things Up
S02E15 Cheater by the Dozen
S02E16 Kick the Bucket List
S02E17 Party Down
S02E18 Fed Up
S02E19 Shell Shock
S02E20 Pulp Friction
S02E21 Pets Peeved
S02E22 Tricked!
S02E23 Room with a Feud
S02E24 Spell it Out
S02E25 The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos
S02E26 Back Out There
S03E01 Roadie to Nowhere
S03E02 A Fridge Too Far
S03E03 Selfie Improvement
S03E04 No Place Like Homeschool
S03E05 White Hare
S03E06 Insta-Gran
S03E07 City Slickers
S03E08 Fool Me Twice
S03E09 Net Gains
S03E10 Pipe Dreams
S03E11 Fandom Pains
S03E12 Rita Her Rights
S03E13 Teachers' Union
S03E14 Head Poet's Anxiety
S03E15 The Mad Scientist
S03E16 Deal Me Out
S03E17 Friendzy
S03E18 Tripped!
S03E19 Pasture Bedtime
S03E20 Shop Girl
S03E21 What Wood Lincoln Do?
S03E22 Ruthless People
S03E23 Scales of Justice
S03E24 Crimes of Fashion
S03E25 Breaking Dad
S03E26 Absent Minded
S04E00 "The Loud House" The Loud House & Casagrandes Hangin' At Home Special
S04E01 Friended! with the Casagrandes
S04E02 Power Play with the Casagrandes
S04E03 Room for Improvement with the Casagrandes
S04E04 Roll Model with the Casagrandes
S04E05 No Show with the Casagrandes
S04E07 Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes
S04E08 Store Wars with the Casagrandes
S04E09 Kings of the Con
S04E10 Washed Up
S04E11 Recipe for Disaster
S04E12 Present Tense
S04E13 Any Given Sundae
S04E14 A Grave Mistake
S04E15 Leader of the Rack
S04E16 Kings of the Con
S04E17 Tails of Woe
S04E18 Last Loud on Earth
S04E19 Can't Hardly Wait
S04E20 A Mutt Above
S04E21 Love Birds
S04E22 Rocket Men
S04E23 Stall Monitor
S04E24 A Pimple Plan
S04E25 Good Sports
S04E26 Geri-Antics
S05E00 "The Loud House" The Loud House Mega Music Countdown
S05E01 בית ספר
S05E02 הבוסית
S05E03 גיבוש משפחתי
S05E04 של מי המסיבה הזאת?
S05E05 שורש האמת
S05E06 רוח רפאים
S05E07 הלהקה
S05E09 מתנות!
S05E10 A Flipmas Carol
S05E11 הילד מהחווה
S05E13 נוסעים לבית הספר
S05E14 Resident Upheaval
S05E15 School of Shock
S05E16 Electshunned
S05E17 Zach Attack
S05E18 Flying Solo
S05E20 Undercover Mom
S05E21 Hurl, Interrupted
S05E21 Hurl, Interrupted
S05E22 Diamonds are for Never
S05E23 השמועה אומרת ש…
S05E24 יום אימונים מסוכן
S05E25 Director's Rut
S05E26 Friday Night Fights
S06E01 Don’t Escar-go
S06E01 Don’t Escar-go
S06E02 Double Trouble
S06E03 Flip This Flip
S06E04 Haunted House Call
S06E05 The Taunting Hour
S06E06 Musical Chairs
S06E08 All the Rage
S06E08 All the Rage
S06E09 Scoop Snoop
S06E10 Eye Can’t
S06E11 Dine and Bash
S06E12 Sofa, So Good
S06E13 Present Danger
S06E14 Stressed for the Part
S06E15 Time Trap!
S06E16 Bummer Camp
S06E17 Sleepstakes
S06E18 The Last Laugh
S06E20 Cat-astrophe
S06E21 Prize Fighter
S06E22 Save Royal Woods!
S06E23 Puns and Buns
S06E24 Food Courting
S06E25 Lights, Camera, Nuclear Reaction
S06E26 Save the Last Pants
S06E26 Save the Last Pants
S06E27 Hiccups and Down
S07E01 Waking History
S07E02 Pranks Fore Nothing
S07E03 Child's Play
S07E04 Force of Habits
S07E05 Candy Crushed
S07E06 Master of Delusion
S07E07 Road Trip: Bizarritorium
S07E08 Road Trip: Bringing Down the House
S07E09 Road Trip: Mountain Hard Pass
S07E10 Road Trip: From Brad to Worse
S07E11 Road Trip: Doll Day Afternoon
S07E12 Road Trip: Screen Queen
S08E08 Weather or Not
S08E10 Kara-less Whisper
S08E11 Europe Road Trip: Alpining Away
S08E12 Bulking and Sulking
S09E01 Crystal Ballin'
S09E02 "The Loud House" Merry Diss-mass/Just Snow With It
S09E03 "The Loud House" Meet the Purrents/Apartment Complex
S09E04 "The Loud House" Pet Project/Cuff Break
S09E05 "The Loud House" Prom-Com/Scene Steeler
S09E06 "The Loud House" Episode #9.6
S09E07 "The Loud House" The Kanga-ruse/Stuff Huff
The Loud House - S01E01 Left in the Dark The Loud House (2016) - S01E01 - Left in the Dark (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)_track3_eng 0% 340 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E01 - Left in the Dark (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)_track3_engThe Loud House (2016) - S01E01 - Left in the Dark (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)_track3_engThe Loud House - S01E25 It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House The Loud House (2016) - S01E25 - For Bros About to Rock (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 13 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E25 - For Bros About to Rock (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E25 - For Bros About to Rock (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S01E23 The Green House The Loud House (2016) - S01E23 - Along Came a Sister (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 3 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E23 - Along Came a Sister (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E23 - Along Came a Sister (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S01E18 Changing the Baby The Loud House (2016) - S01E18 - Ties That Bind (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 15 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E18 - Ties That Bind (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E18 - Ties That Bind (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S01E09 Chore and Peace The Loud House (2016) - S01E09 - Project Loud House (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 122 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E09 - Project Loud House (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E09 - Project Loud House (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S01E07 Project Loud House The Loud House (2016) - S01E07 - The Sweet Spot (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 36 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E07 - The Sweet Spot (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E07 - The Sweet Spot (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S01E04 Making the Case The Loud House (2016) - S01E05 - Driving Miss Hazy (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 57 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E05 - Driving Miss Hazy (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E05 - Driving Miss Hazy (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S01E03 Heavy Meddle The Loud House (2016) - S01E03 - Heavy Meddle (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 27 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E03 - Heavy Meddle (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E03 - Heavy Meddle (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S01E01 Left in the Dark The Loud House (2016) - S01E01 - Left in the Dark (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 424 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S01E01 - Left in the Dark (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S01E01 - Left in the Dark (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S02E26 Back Out There The Loud House (2016) - S02E26 - Back Out There (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 13 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S02E26 - Back Out There (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S02E26 - Back Out There (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)Мой шумный дом - S02E18 Fed Up The Loud House (2016) - S02E18 - Fed Up (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR) 0% 2 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House (2016) - S02E18 - Fed Up (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House (2016) - S02E18 - Fed Up (1080p WEB-DL x265 RCVR)The Loud House - S03E25 Breaking Dad The Loud House S03E25 Breaking Dad 0% 57 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House S03E25 Breaking DadThe Loud House S03E25 Breaking DadThe Loud House - S03E17 Friendzy The Loud House S03E17 Friendzy 0% 8 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House S03E17 FriendzyThe Loud House S03E17 FriendzyThe Loud House - S03E14 Head Poet's Anxiety The Loud House S03E14 Head Poets Anxiety 0% 10 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House S03E14 Head Poets AnxietyThe Loud House S03E14 Head Poets AnxietyThe Loud House - S03E13 Teachers' Union The Loud House S03E13 Teachers Union 0% 6 0 8 חודשים
The Loud House S03E13 Teachers UnionThe Loud House S03E13 Teachers UnionThe Loud House - S03E25 Breaking Dad The.Loud.House.S03E25.Stage.Plight_Antiqued.Off.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh] 0% 22 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S03E25. Stage. Plight_Antiqued. Off. WEBRip. Amazon. en-us[sdh]The.Loud.House.S03E25.Stage.Plight_Antiqued.Off.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh]The Loud House - S03E17 Friendzy The.Loud.House.S03E17.Sitting.Bull_The.Spies.Who.Loved.Me.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh] 0% 5 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S03E17. Sitting. Bull_The. Spies. Who. Loved. Me. WEBRip. Amazon. en-us[sdh]The.Loud.House.S03E17.Sitting.Bull_The.Spies.Who.Loved.Me.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh]The Loud House - S03E14 Head Poet's Anxiety The.Loud.House.S03E14.Absent.Minded_Be.Stella.My.Heart.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh] 0% 9 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S03E14. Absent. Minded_Be. Stella. My. Heart. WEBRip. Amazon. en-us[sdh]The.Loud.House.S03E14.Absent.Minded_Be.Stella.My.Heart.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh]The Loud House - S03E13 Teachers' Union The.Loud.House.S03E13.Gown.and.Out_Breaking.Dad.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh] 0% 9 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S03E13. Gown. and. Out_Breaking. Dad. WEBRip. Amazon. en-us[sdh]The.Loud.House.S03E13.Gown.and.Out_Breaking.Dad.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh]The Loud House - S04E10 Washed Up The.Loud.House.S04E10.Tails.of.Woe_Last.Loud.on.Earth.WEBRi 0% 81 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S04E10. Tails. of. Woe_Last. Loud. on. Earth. WEBRiThe.Loud.House.S04E10.Tails.of.Woe_Last.Loud.on.Earth.WEBRiThe Loud House - S04E08 Store Wars with the Casagrandes The.Loud.House.S04E08.A.Grave.Mistake_Leader.of.the.Rack.WEBRi 0% 49 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S04E08. A. Grave. Mistake_Leader. of. the. Rack. WEBRiThe.Loud.House.S04E08.A.Grave.Mistake_Leader.of.the.Rack.WEBRiThe Loud House - S06E01 Don’t Escar-go The.Loud.House.S05E08.No.Bus.No.Fuss_Resident.Upheaval.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh] 0% 91 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S05E08. No. Bus. No. Fuss_Resident. Upheaval. WEBRip. Amazon. en-us[sdh]The.Loud.House.S05E08.No.Bus.No.Fuss_Resident.Upheaval.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh]ラウド・ハウス - S05E04 Strife of the Party The.Loud.House.S05E04.Ghosted!.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh] 0% 6 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S05E04. Ghosted!. WEBRip. Amazon. en-us[sdh]The.Loud.House.S05E04.Ghosted!.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh]The Loud House - S05E03 Family Bonding The.Loud.House.S05E03.Strife.of.the.Party_Kernel.of.Truth.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh] 0% 46 0 8 חודשים
The. Loud. House. S05E03. Strife. of. the. Party_Kernel. of. Truth. WEBRip. Amazon. en-us[sdh]The.Loud.House.S05E03.Strife.of.the.Party_Kernel.of.Truth.WEBRip.Amazon.en-us[sdh]