1985 - Moonlighting
Detectives with a heart
Truffata dal suo agente, la top model Maddie Hayes è rimasta al verde e si trova costretta ad occuparsi in prima persona di un'agenzia investigativa acquistata anni prima , diretta dal seducente detective David Addison. Il gelido temperamento della bellissima Maddie non si adatta a quello irriverente di David e i due insieme fanno scintille. themoviedb
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Moonlighting subtitles for episodes from season 2
S02E01 Brother, Can You Spare a Blonde?
S02E02 The Lady in the Iron Mask
S02E03 Money Talks-- Maddie Walks
S02E04 The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice
S02E05 My Fair David
S02E06 Knowing Her
S02E07 Somewhere Under the Rainbow
S02E08 Portrait of Maddie
S02E09 Atlas Belched
S02E10 Twas the Episode Before Christmas
S02E11 The Bride of Tupperman
S02E12 North by North Dipesto
S02E13 In God We Strongly Suspect
S02E14 Every Daughter's Father Is a Virgin
S02E15 Witness for the Execution
S02E16 Sleep Talkin' Guy
S02E17 Funeral for a Door Nail
S02E18 Camille