2021 - 1883
The road west was paved with blood.
Segui la famiglia Dutton mentre intraprende un viaggio verso ovest attraverso le Grandi Pianure verso l'ultimo bastione dell'America selvaggia. Una cruda rivisitazione dell'espansione occidentale e uno studio intenso di una famiglia che fugge dalla povertà per cercare un futuro migliore nella terra promessa dell'America: il Montana. themoviedb
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1883 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 1883
S01E02 Dietro di noi, l'abisso
S01E03 Il fiume
S01E04 Il guado
S01E05 La ferocia della libertà
S01E06 Annoiare il diavolo
S01E07 Saetta dai Capelli Gialli
S01E08 Il pianto della resa
S01E09 Nuvole che si rincorrono
S01E10 Questo non è il tuo paradiso
1883 - S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair 1883 - S01E07 WEB 0% 1617 0 9 mesi
1883 - S01E07 WEB1883 - S01E07 WEB1883 - S01E10 This Is Not Your Heaven 1883 - S01xE10 This Is Not Your Heaven 0% 2 0 9 mesi
1883 - S01xE10 This Is Not Your Heaven1883 - S01xE10 This Is Not Your Heaven1883 - S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair 1883 - S01xE07 Lightning Yellow Hair 0% 1 0 9 mesi
1883 - S01xE07 Lightning Yellow Hair1883 - S01xE07 Lightning Yellow Hair1883 - S01E08 The Weep of Surrender 1883 - S01xE08 The Weep of Surrender 0% 2 0 9 mesi
1883 - S01xE08 The Weep of Surrender1883 - S01xE08 The Weep of Surrender1883 - S01E03 River 1883 - S01xE03 River 0% 0 0 9 mesi
1883 - S01xE03 River1883 - S01xE03 River1883 - S01E03 River S01E03 - River 0% 2150 0 9 mesi
S01E03 - RiverS01E03 - River1883 - S01E08 The Weep of Surrender S01E08 - The Weep of Surrender 0% 1387 0 9 mesi
S01E08 - The Weep of SurrenderS01E08 - The Weep of Surrender1883 - S01E07 黄头发闪电 1883 S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 338 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E05 自由之牙 1883 S01E05 The Fangs of Freedom.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 339 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E05 The Fangs of Freedom. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E05 The Fangs of Freedom.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E08 The Weep of Surrender 1883 S01E08 The Weep of Surrender.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 290 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E08 The Weep of Surrender. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E08 The Weep of Surrender.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E09 Racing Clouds 1883 S01E09 Racing Clouds.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 348 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E09 Racing Clouds. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E09 Racing Clouds.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E04 渡河危机 1883 S01E04 The Crossing.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 319 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E04 The Crossing. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E04 The Crossing.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E10 This Is Not Your Heaven 1883 S01E10 This Is Not Your Heaven.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 348 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E10 This Is Not Your Heaven. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E10 This Is Not Your Heaven.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E01 1883 1883 S01E01 1883.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 690 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E01 1883. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E01 1883.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E02 Behind Us, A Cliff 1883 S01E02 Behind Us, a Cliff.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 368 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E02 Behind Us_ a Cliff. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E02 Behind Us_ a Cliff.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E03 River 1883 S01E03 River.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV 0% 576 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E03 River. DVD. NonHI. en. MTV1883 S01E03 River.DVD.NonHI.en.MTV1883 - S01E04 The Crossing 1883 S01E04 The Crossing.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 336 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E04 The Crossing. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E04 The Crossing.DVD.HI.en.MTV1883 - S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair 1883 S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 276 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E07 Lightning Yellow Hair.DVD.HI.en.MTV1883 - S01E05 The Fangs of Freedom 1883 S01E05 The Fangs of Freedom.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 426 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E05 The Fangs of Freedom. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E05 The Fangs of Freedom.DVD.HI.en.MTV1883 - S01E01 1883 1883 S01E01 1883.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 638 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E01 1883. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E01 1883.DVD.HI.en.MTV1883 - S01E03 暗流涌动 1883 S01E03 River.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 482 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E03 River. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E03 River.DVD.HI.en.MTV1883 - S01E09 Racing Clouds 1883 S01E09 Racing Clouds.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 281 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E09 Racing Clouds. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E09 Racing Clouds.DVD.HI.en.MTV1883 - S01E06 Boring The Devil 1883 S01E06 Boring the Devil.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 359 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E06 Boring the Devil. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E06 Boring the Devil.DVD.HI.en.MTV1883 - S01E08 The Weep of Surrender 1883 S01E08 The Weep of Surrender.DVD.HI.en.MTV 0% 30 0 circa 2 anni
1883 S01E08 The Weep of Surrender. DVD. HI. en. MTV1883 S01E08 The Weep of Surrender.DVD.HI.en.MTV