2011 - ハンター×ハンター
Original title: HUNTER×HUNTER
主人公のゴンは幼少期に両親と別れ、父親ジンの親戚で幼馴染でもあるミトとその祖母の元で育てられた。ゴンはミトに「父親はあなたが小さい頃に死んだ」と聞かされていたが、あるきっかけでカイトと名乗るハンターと出会い、ジンが生きていること、彼が優秀なハンターであることを知らされる。これを期に父の存在が気になり始め、父に会うべく、自分もハンターになるためにハンター試験を受けることを決意し、旅立つところから物語が始まる。 themoviedb
ハンター×ハンター subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 タビダチ×ト×ナカマタチ
S01E02 シケン×ノ×シケン
S01E03 ライバル×ガ×サバイバル
S01E04 キボウ×ト×ヤボウ
S01E05 ヒソカ×ハ×ヒソカ
S01E06 イガイ×ナ×カダイ
S01E07 ヒコウセン×ノ×ケッセン
S01E08 カイケツ×ハ×タスウケツ?
S01E09 シュウジン×ニ×ゴヨウジン
S01E10 ヒッカケ×ノ×キッカケ
S01E11 ギャンブル×デ×トラブル
S01E12 サイゴ×ノ×カクゴ
S01E13 ゴンヨリ×ノ×タヨリ
S01E14 ターゲット×ニ×ヒット
S01E15 ダマシアイ×ノ×トリアイ
S01E16 ハイボク×ト×クツジョク
S01E17 アナ×デ×ワナ
S01E18 タイセツ×ナ×メンセツ
S01E19 カテナイ×ガ×マケナイ
S01E20 フカカイ×ナ×テンカイ
S01E21 キョウダイ×ノ×モンダイ
S01E22 キケン×ナ×バンケン
S01E23 バンニン×ノ×セキニン
S01E24 ゾルディック×ノ×カゾク
S01E25 ミエナイ×ト×アエナイ
S01E26 アレカラ×ト×ソレカラ
S01E27 トウギジョウ×ニ×トウジョウ
S01E28 ネン×ト×ネン
S01E29 カクセイ×ト×カノウセイ
S01E30 ゲキトウ×ト×カットウ
S01E31 インネン×ト×シュウネン
S01E32 ドッキリ×ナ×ショウリ
S01E33 ケイハク×ナ×キョウハク
S01E34 ジツリョク×デ×セツジョク
S01E35 セイカク×ナ×ゴウカク
S01E36 オオキナカリ×ト×チイサナケリ
S01E37 ジン×ト×ゴン
S01E38 オヤジ×ノ×ヘンジ
S01E39 ネガイ×ト×チカイ
S01E40 ノウリョクシャ×ハ×キョウリョクシャ?
S01E41 ゴウケツ×ノ×シュウケツ
S01E42 マモル×ト×セメル
S01E43 ショウゲキ×ノ×サンゲキ
S01E44 ゲキセン×ノ×フクセン
S01E45 コウソク×ト×ヤクソク
S01E46 オウモノ×ト×マツモノ
S01E47 セイヤク×ト×セイヤク
S01E48 メキキ×ノ×キキメ
S01E49 ツイセキ×デ×ブンセキ
S01E50 ナカマ×ト×カタナ
S01E51 ヒジョウ×ノ×センジョウ
S01E52 シュウゲキ×ト×ショウゲキ
S01E53 フェイク×デ×サイク
S01E54 ウラナイ×ガ×アタラナイ?
S01E55 ナカマ×ト×イカサマ
S01E56 サイアイ×ト×サイアク
S01E57 センテ×ト×オキテ
S01E58 ヒキギワ×ノ×ヒキガネ
S01E59 セリ×ト×アセリ
S01E60 キマリ×ト×ハジマリ
S01E61 カンユウ×ト×シンユウ
S01E62 ゲンジツ?×ト×ゲンセキ
S01E63 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Hard × Master?
S01E64 "Hunter x Hunter" Strengthen × and × Threaten
S01E65 "Hunter x Hunter" Evil Fist × and × Rock-Paper-Scissors
S01E66 "Hunter x Hunter" Strategy × and × Scheme
S01E67 "Hunter x Hunter" 15 × 15
S01E68 "Hunter x Hunter" Pirates × and × Guesses
S01E69 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Heated × Showdown
S01E70 "Hunter x Hunter" Guts × and × Courage
S01E71 "Hunter x Hunter" Bargain × and × Deal
S01E72 "Hunter x Hunter" Chase × and × Chance
S01E73 "Hunter x Hunter" Insanity × and × Sanity
S01E74 "Hunter x Hunter" Victor × and × Loser
S01E75 "Hunter x Hunter" Ging's Friends × and × True Friends
S01E76 "Hunter x Hunter" Reunion × and × Understanding
S01E77 "Hunter x Hunter" Unease × and × Sighting
S01E78 "Hunter x Hunter" Very × Rapid × Reproduction
S01E79 "Hunter x Hunter" No × Good × NGL
S01E80 "Hunter x Hunter" Evil × and × Terrible
S01E81 "Hunter x Hunter" The × Fight × Begins
S01E82 "Hunter x Hunter" Kite × and × Slots
S01E83 "Hunter x Hunter" Inspiration × to × Evolve
S01E84 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Fated × Awakening
S01E85 "Hunter x Hunter" Light X and X Darkness
S01E86 "Hunter x Hunter" Promise X and X Reunion
S01E87 "Hunter x Hunter" Duel × and × Escape
S01E88 "Hunter x Hunter" Rock-Paper-Scissors × and × Weakness
S01E89 "Hunter x Hunter" Compassion X and X Strength
S01E90 "Hunter x Hunter" Interest X and X Curse
S01E91 "Hunter x Hunter" The Strong X and X the Weak
S01E92 "Hunter x Hunter" One Wish X and X Two Promises
S01E93 "Hunter x Hunter" Date X with X Palm
S01E94 "Hunter x Hunter" Friend X and X Journey
S01E95 "Hunter x Hunter" Grudge × and × Dread
S01E96 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Lawless × Home
S01E97 "Hunter x Hunter" Carnage × and × Devastation
S01E98 "Hunter x Hunter" Infiltration × and × Selection
S01E99 "Hunter x Hunter" Combination × and × Evolution
S01E100 "Hunter x Hunter" Tracking × and × Pursuit
S01E101 "Hunter x Hunter" Ikalgo × and × Lightning
S01E102 "Hunter x Hunter" Power × and × Games
S01E103 "Hunter x Hunter" Check × and × Mate
S01E104 "Hunter x Hunter" Doubt × and × Hesitation
S01E105 "Hunter x Hunter" Resolve × and × Awakening
S01E106 "Hunter x Hunter" Knov × and × Morel
S01E107 "Hunter x Hunter" Return × and × Retire
S01E108 "Hunter x Hunter" Gungi × of × Komugi
S01E109 "Hunter x Hunter" Taking Stock × and × Taking Action
S01E110 "Hunter x Hunter" Confusion × and × Expectation
S01E111 "Hunter x Hunter" Charge × and × Invade
S01E112 "Hunter x Hunter" Monster × and × Monster
S01E113 "Hunter x Hunter" An × Indebted × Insect
S01E114 "Hunter x Hunter" Divide × and × Conquer
S01E115 "Hunter x Hunter" Duty × and × Question
S01E116 "Hunter x Hunter" Revenge × and × Recovery
S01E117 "Hunter x Hunter" Insult × and × Payback
S01E118 "Hunter x Hunter" A × False × Revenge
S01E119 "Hunter x Hunter" Strong × or × Weak
S01E120 "Hunter x Hunter" Fake × and × Real
S01E121 "Hunter x Hunter" Defeat × and × Dignity
S01E122 "Hunter x Hunter" Pose × and × Name
S01E123 "Hunter x Hunter" Centipede × and × Memory
S01E124 "Hunter x Hunter" Breakdown X and X Awakening
S01E125 "Hunter x Hunter" Great Power × and × Ultimate Power
S01E126 "Hunter x Hunter" Zero × and × Rose
S01E127 "Hunter x Hunter" Hostility × and × Determination
S01E128 "Hunter x Hunter" Unparalleled Joy × and × Unconditional Love
S01E129 "Hunter x Hunter" Formidable Enemy × and × Clear Objective
S01E130 "Hunter x Hunter" Magic × to × Destroy
S01E131 "Hunter x Hunter" Anger × and × Light
S01E132 "Hunter x Hunter" Flash × and × Start
S01E133 "Hunter x Hunter" Deadline × to × Live
S01E134 "Hunter x Hunter" The Word × Is × You
S01E135 "Hunter x Hunter" This Person × and × This Moment
S01E136 "Hunter x Hunter" Homecoming × and × Real Name
S01E137 "Hunter x Hunter" Debate × Among × Zodiacs
S01E138 "Hunter x Hunter" Plea X and X Favor
S01E139 "Hunter x Hunter" Alluka X and X That Thing
S01E140 "Hunter x Hunter" Join Battle X and X Open Battle
S01E141 "Hunter x Hunter" Magician × and × Butler
S01E142 "Hunter x Hunter" Needle × and × Debt
S01E143 "Hunter x Hunter" Sin × and × Claw
S01E144 "Hunter x Hunter" Approval × and × Coalition
S01E145 "Hunter x Hunter" Defeat × and × Reunion
S01E146 "Hunter x Hunter" Chairman × and × Release
S01E147 "Hunter x Hunter" Salvation × and × Future
S01E148 "Hunter x Hunter" Past X and X Future
Hunter x Hunter - S01E99 "Hunter x Hunter" Combination × and × Evolution Hunter x Hunter (99) 0% 3 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (99)Hunter x Hunter (99)Hunter x Hunter - S01E98 "Hunter x Hunter" Infiltration × and × Selection Hunter x Hunter (98) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (98)Hunter x Hunter (98)Hunter x Hunter - S01E97 "Hunter x Hunter" Carnage × and × Devastation Hunter x Hunter (97) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (97)Hunter x Hunter (97)Hunter x Hunter - S01E95 "Hunter x Hunter" Grudge × and × Dread Hunter x Hunter (95) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (95)Hunter x Hunter (95)Hunter x Hunter - S01E93 "Hunter x Hunter" Date X with X Palm Hunter x Hunter (93) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (93)Hunter x Hunter (93)Hunter x Hunter - S01E94 "Hunter x Hunter" Friend X and X Journey Hunter x Hunter (94) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (94)Hunter x Hunter (94)Hunter x Hunter - S01E96 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Lawless × Home Hunter x Hunter (96) 0% 3 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (96)Hunter x Hunter (96)Hunter x Hunter - S01E90 "Hunter x Hunter" Interest X and X Curse Hunter x Hunter (90) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (90)Hunter x Hunter (90)Hunter x Hunter - S01E92 "Hunter x Hunter" One Wish X and X Two Promises Hunter x Hunter (92) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (92)Hunter x Hunter (92)Hunter x Hunter - S01E91 "Hunter x Hunter" The Strong X and X the Weak Hunter x Hunter (91) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (91)Hunter x Hunter (91)Hunter x Hunter - S01E89 "Hunter x Hunter" Compassion X and X Strength Hunter x Hunter (89) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (89)Hunter x Hunter (89)Hunter x Hunter - S01E88 "Hunter x Hunter" Rock-Paper-Scissors × and × Weakness Hunter x Hunter (88) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (88)Hunter x Hunter (88)Hunter x Hunter - S01E87 "Hunter x Hunter" Duel × and × Escape Hunter x Hunter (87) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (87)Hunter x Hunter (87)Hunter x Hunter - S01E85 "Hunter x Hunter" Light X and X Darkness Hunter x Hunter (85) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (85)Hunter x Hunter (85)Hunter x Hunter - S01E86 "Hunter x Hunter" Promise X and X Reunion Hunter x Hunter (86) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (86)Hunter x Hunter (86)Hunter x Hunter - S01E82 "Hunter x Hunter" Kite × and × Slots Hunter x Hunter (82) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (82)Hunter x Hunter (82)Hunter x Hunter - S01E83 "Hunter x Hunter" Inspiration × to × Evolve Hunter x Hunter (83) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (83)Hunter x Hunter (83)Hunter x Hunter - S01E84 "Hunter x Hunter" A × Fated × Awakening Hunter x Hunter (84) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (84)Hunter x Hunter (84)Hunter x Hunter - S01E81 "Hunter x Hunter" The × Fight × Begins Hunter x Hunter (81) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (81)Hunter x Hunter (81)Hunter x Hunter - S01E80 "Hunter x Hunter" Evil × and × Terrible Hunter x Hunter (80) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (80)Hunter x Hunter (80)Hunter x Hunter - S01E78 "Hunter x Hunter" Very × Rapid × Reproduction Hunter x Hunter (78) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (78)Hunter x Hunter (78)Hunter x Hunter - S01E79 "Hunter x Hunter" No × Good × NGL Hunter x Hunter (79) 0% 2 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (79)Hunter x Hunter (79)ハンター×ハンター - S01E76 "Hunter x Hunter" Reunion × and × Understanding Hunter x Hunter (76) 0% 4 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (76)Hunter x Hunter (76)Hunter x Hunter - S01E77 "Hunter x Hunter" Unease × and × Sighting Hunter x Hunter (77) 0% 0 0 7ヶ月
Hunter x Hunter (77)Hunter x Hunter (77)