2006 - 超級製作人
Work can be such a production.
Original title: 30 Rock
英文劇名《30 Rock》取自故事中的發生地,紐約洛克菲勒大廈(30 Rockefeller Plaza)的簡稱。劇情虛構了一個美國廣播公司的節目(The Girlie Show),講述的就是這個節目製作團隊的台前幕後種種趣事。 《超級製作人》陣容極其強大,和NBC旗下的王牌喜劇節目《週六夜現場》為同一個製作班底,後者的首席編劇蒂娜費傾情加盟,不但是該片的製作人、編劇,同時還扮演女主角。 themoviedb
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超級製作人 subtitles for episodes from season 6
S06E01 Dance Like Nobody's Watching
S06E02 Idiots Are People Two!
S06E03 Idiots Are People Three!
S06E04 The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell
S06E05 Today You Are a Man
S06E06 Hey, Baby, What's Wrong? (1)
S06E07 Hey, Baby, What's Wrong? (2)
S06E08 The Tuxedo Begins
S06E09 Leap Day
S06E10 Alexis Goodlooking and the Case of the Missing Whisky
S06E11 Standards and Practices
S06E12 St. Patrick's Day
S06E13 Grandmentor
S06E14 Kidnapped by Danger
S06E15 The Shower Principle
S06E16 Nothing Left to Lose
S06E17 Meet the Woggels!
S06E18 Murphy Brown Lied to Us
S06E19 Live from Studio 6H
S06E20 Queen of Jordan II: Mystery of the Phantom Pooper
S06E21 The Return of Avery Jessup
S06E22 What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?