2013 - 金色年代
Picture perfect.
Original title: The Goldbergs
電視劇改編自編劇亞當·F·戈德堡的真實人生經歷。故事發生在二十世紀八十年代美國的一個平凡的家庭之中。貝弗利和穆瑞是一對結婚多年的夫妻,儘管生活中跌跌撞撞,穆瑞的暴脾氣更是為平靜的生活增添了一絲波瀾,但他和妻子之間的感情一直以來都十分要好。貝弗利和穆瑞育有三個孩子,艾瑞卡、亞當和巴里,這三個活潑可愛,有時候又顯得過於調皮的小鬼頭給家中增添了不少歡聲笑語。電視劇真實的記錄下了一個大家庭中發生的風風雨雨,讓人看來感同身受。 themoviedb
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金色年代 subtitles for episodes from season 5
S05E01 Weird Science
S05E02 Hogan Is My Grandfather
S05E03 Goldberg on the Goldbergs
S05E04 Revenge O' The Nerds
S05E05 Jackie Likes Star Trek
S05E06 Girl Talk
S05E07 A Wall Street Thanksgiving
S05E08 The Circling of Driving Again
S05E09 Parents Just Don't Understand
S05E10 We Didn't Start the Fire
S05E11 The Goldberg Girls
S05E12 Dinner with the Goldbergs
S05E13 The Hooters
S05E14 Hail Barry
S05E15 Adam Spielberg
S05E16 The Scrunchie Rule
S05E17 Colors
S05E18 MTV Spring Break
S05E19 Flashy Little Flashdancer
S05E20 The Opportunity of a Lifetime
S05E20 The Opportunity of a Lifetime
S05E21 Spaceballs
S05E22 Let's Val Kilmer This Car