2010 - Victoria: În lumina reflectoarelor
Original title: Victorious
Aspiring singer Tori Vega navigates life while attending a performing arts high school called Hollywood Arts. themoviedb
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Victoria: În lumina reflectoarelor subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Scena cu pasărea
S01E03 Lupte scenice
S01E04 Cântecul de săptămâna de naștere
S01E05 Jade îi dă papucii lui Beck
S01E06 Tori Zombie
S01E07 Robarazzi
S01E08 Supraviețuirea la cald
S01E09 Wi-Fi în cer
S01E10 Marea reușită a lui Beck
S01E11 Marea păcăleală la ping pong
S01E12 Noul iubit al lui Cat
S01E13 Speriem sperietura Partea I
S01E14 Speriem sperietura Partea II
S01E15 Rex moare
S01E16 Trupa
S01E17 Wok Star
S01E18 Lemnul
S01E19 un film de Dale Squires
S02E01 Cerere în genunchi
S02E02 Beck se îndrăgostește de Tori
S02E03 Înghețată pentru Ke$ha
S02E04 Tori e blocată
S02E05 Distrugătorul balului
S02E06 Victoria: închiderea
S02E07 Helen se întoarce
S02E08 Cine i-a făcut-o Trinei?
S02E09 Tori torturează profesorul
S02E10 Jade e terminată
S02E11 Teroare pe strada prăjiturilor
S02E12 Tori de Crăciun
S02E13 Duble victorioase
S03E01 Micul dejun
S03E02 Clubul Gorilelor
S03E03 Cel mai îngrozitor cuplu
S03E04 Fata oribilă a lui Andre
S03E05 Mașini, ploaie și foc
S03E06 Întâlnirea e joacă a lui Tori și Jade
S03E07 Amnezie de ziua păcălelii
S03E08 Înnebunind-o pe Tori
S03E09 Cum a intrat Trina
S03E10 Tori ia Platina Partea I
S03E11 Tori ia Platina Partea II
S03E12 Ponnie nebuna
S03E13 Echipa blondelor
S04E01 Depozitul lui Wanko
S04E02 Regele Hambone
S04E03 Întâlnire inversă
S04E04 Trei fete și un Elan
S04E05 Blocaj
S04E06 Tori îi împacă pe Beck și Jade
S04E07 O mie de biluțe de fructe
S04E08 Robbie îl vinde pe Rex
S04E09 Colegul cel rău
S04E10 Storcător de creier
S04E11 Lupta de palme
S04E12 Tori se face de râs
S04E13 Victori-DA
Victorious - S03E12 Crazy Ponnie Victorious.S03E12.Crazy.Ponnie.720p.HD 0% 351 0 9 luni
Victorious. S03E12. Crazy. Ponnie. 720p. HDVictorious.S03E12.Crazy.Ponnie.720p.HDVictorious - S04E04 Three Girls and a Moose Victorious - 04x04 - Three Girls and a Moose.TVVersion 0% 301 0 9 luni
Victorious - 04x04 - Three Girls and a Moose. TVVersionVictorious - 04x04 - Three Girls and a Moose.TVVersionVictorious - S01E16 The Diddly-Bops Victorious.S01E16.Web-DL 0% 1471 0 9 luni
Victorious. S01E16. Web-DLVictorious.S01E16.Web-DLVictorious - S02E03 Ice Cream for Ke$ha Victorious.S02E03.HDTV.XviD-TROLLHD 0% 524 0 9 luni
Victorious. S02E03. HDTV. XviD-TROLLHDVictorious.S02E03.HDTV.XviD-TROLLHDVictorious - S02E12 A Christmas Tori Victorious_-_02x12_-_Blooptorious.WEB-DL.English.C.updated 0% 915 0 9 luni
Victorious-02x12-Blooptorious. WEB-DL. English. C. updatedVictorious-02x12-Blooptorious.WEB-DL.English.C.updatedVictorious - S02E07 Helen Back Again Victorious_-_02x07_-_Helen_Back_Again.WEB-DL.English.C.orig 0% 878 0 9 luni
Victorious-02x07-Helen_Back_Again. WEB-DL. English. C. origVictorious-02x07-Helen_Back_Again.WEB-DL.English.C.origВиктория – победительница - S02E05 Prom Wrecker Victorious_-_02x05_-_Prom_Wrecker.WEB-DL.English.C.orig 0% 770 0 9 luni
Victorious-02x05-Prom_Wrecker. WEB-DL. English. C. origVictorious-02x05-Prom_Wrecker.WEB-DL.English.C.origVictorious - S02E05 Prom Wrecker Victorious S02E05 Prom Wrecker 0% 7265 0 mai mult de 3 ani
Victorious S02E05 Prom WreckerVictorious S02E05 Prom WreckerVictorious - S04E10 Brain Squeezers Victorious.S04E10.Brain.Squeezers.720p.HDTV.h264-OOO 0% 8788 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious. S04E10. Brain. Squeezers. 720p. HDTV. h264-OOOVictorious.S04E10.Brain.Squeezers.720p.HDTV.h264-OOOVictorious - S04E01 Wanko's Warehouse 4x01-Wanko's Warehouse--"Victorious" Wanko's Warehouse 0% 16283 0 mai mult de 4 ani
4x01-Wankos Warehouse--"Victorious" Wankos Warehouse4x01-Wankos Warehouse--"Victorious" Wankos WarehouseVictorious - S03E02 The Gorilla Club Victorious - 03x02 - The Gorilla 0% 9913 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious - 03x02 - The Gorilla Club. WEB-DL. English. C. updated. Addic7ed. comVictorious - 03x02 - The Gorilla Club.WEB-DL.English.C.updated.Addic7ed.comVictorious - S04E12 Star-Spangled Tori Victorious 4x12 Star-spangled Tori.en 0% 8350 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 4x12 Star-spangled Tori. enVictorious 4x12 Star-spangled Tori.enVictorious - S04E11 The Slap Fight Victorious 4x11 The Slap Fight.en 0% 9114 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 4x11 The Slap Fight. enVictorious 4x11 The Slap Fight.enVictorious - S04E08 Robbie Sells Rex Victorious 4x08 Robbie Sells Rex.en 0% 10196 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 4x08 Robbie Sells Rex. enVictorious 4x08 Robbie Sells Rex.enVictorious - S04E07 One Thousand Berry Balls Victorious 4x07 One Thousand Berry Balls.en 0% 10549 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 4x07 One Thousand Berry Balls. enVictorious 4x07 One Thousand Berry Balls.enVictorious - S04E06 Tori Fixes Beck and Jade Victorious 4x06 Tori Fixes Beck and Jade.en 0% 12251 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 4x06 Tori Fixes Beck and Jade. enVictorious 4x06 Tori Fixes Beck and Jade.enVictorious - S04E04 Three Girls and a Moose Victorious 4x04 Three Girls and a Moose.en 0% 11702 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 4x04 Three Girls and a Moose. enVictorious 4x04 Three Girls and a Moose.enVictorious - S04E02 The Hambone King Victorious 4x02 The Hambone King.en 0% 12847 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 4x02 The Hambone King. enVictorious 4x02 The Hambone King.enVictorious - S02E10 Jade Gets Crushed Victorious 2x10 Jade Gets Crushed.en 0% 18119 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 2x10 Jade Gets Crushed. enVictorious 2x10 Jade Gets Crushed.enVictorious - S02E09 Tori Tortures Teacher Victorious 2x09 Tori Tortures Teacher.en 0% 16416 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 2x09 Tori Tortures Teacher. enVictorious 2x09 Tori Tortures Teacher.enVictorious - S02E03 Ice Cream for Ke$ha Victorious 2x03 Ice Cream for Ke$ha.en 0% 20023 0 mai mult de 4 ani
Victorious 2x03 Ice Cream for Kesha. enVictorious 2x03 Ice Cream for Kesha.enVictorious - S04E13 Victori-Yes Victorious ep. 13 0% 2200 0 aproape 5 ani
Victorious ep. 13Victorious ep. 13Victorious - S01E08 Survival of the Hottest Victorious.S01E08.Survival.of.the.Hotest-HD.720p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-SURFER 100% 21013 0 mai mult de 10 ani
Victorious. S01E08. Survival. of. the. Hotest-HD. 720p. WEB-DL. AAC. H264-SURFERVictorious.S01E08.Survival.of.the.Hotest-HD.720p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-SURFERVictorious - S01E08 Survival of the Hottest Victorious.S01E08.Survival.of.the.Hotest-HD.720p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-SURFER 0% 6993 0 aproximativ 11 ani
Victorious. S01E08. Survival. of. the. Hotest-HD. 720p. WEB-DL. AAC. H264-SURFERVictorious.S01E08.Survival.of.the.Hotest-HD.720p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-SURFER