1994 - Space Precinct
Space Precinct is a British television series that aired from 1994 to 1995 on Sky One and later on BBC Two in Britain, and in first-run syndication in the US. Many US stations scheduled the show in late night time slots, which resulted in low ratings and ensured cancellation. The series was created by Gerry Anderson and was a mix of science fiction and police procedural that combined elements of many of Anderson's previous series such as Space: 1999, UFO and Thunderbirds, but with an added dash of Law & Order and Dragnet. Gerry Anderson was Executive Producer along with Tom Gutteridge. One of the series' directors was John Glen who had previously helmed various James Bond movies. themoviedb
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Space Precinct subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Protect and Survive
S01E02 Enforcer
S01E03 Body & Soul
S01E04 Double Duty
S01E05 The Snake
S01E06 Time to Kill
S01E07 Deadline
S01E08 Seek and Destroy
S01E09 The Power
S01E10 Illegal
S01E11 Divided We Stand
S01E12 Two Against the Rock
S01E13 Takeover
S01E14 Predator and Prey
S01E15 The Witness
S01E16 Hate Street
S01E17 Friends
S01E18 Smelter Skelter
S01E19 Flash
S01E20 The Fire Within (1)
S01E21 The Fire Within (2)
S01E22 The Forever Beetle
S01E23 Deathwatch (1)
S01E24 Deathwatch (2)
S02E01 "Space Precinct" Carbon Copy
Space Precinct - S01E22 The Forever Beetle Space Precinct S01e22 The Forever Beetle 0% 34 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e22 The Forever BeetleSpace Precinct S01e22 The Forever BeetleSpace Precinct - S01E21 The Fire Within (2) Space Precinct S01e20-21 The Fire Within 0% 24 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e20-21 The Fire WithinSpace Precinct S01e20-21 The Fire WithinSpace Precinct - S01E19 Flash Space Precinct S01e19 Smelter Skelter 0% 38 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e19 Smelter SkelterSpace Precinct S01e19 Smelter SkelterSpace Precinct - S01E18 Smelter Skelter Space Precinct S01e18 Friends 0% 41 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e18 FriendsSpace Precinct S01e18 FriendsSpace Precinct - S01E17 Friends Space Precinct S01e17 Hate Street 0% 49 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e17 Hate StreetSpace Precinct S01e17 Hate StreetSpace Precinct - S01E16 Hate Street Space Precinct S01e16 The Witness 0% 41 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e16 The WitnessSpace Precinct S01e16 The WitnessSpace Precinct - S01E15 The Witness Space Precinct S01e15 Predator And Prey 0% 39 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e15 Predator And PreySpace Precinct S01e15 Predator And PreySpace Precinct - S01E14 Predator and Prey Space Precinct S01e14 Takeover 0% 56 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e14 TakeoverSpace Precinct S01e14 TakeoverSpace Precinct - S01E13 Takeover Space Precinct S01e13 Two Against The Rock 0% 33 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e13 Two Against The RockSpace Precinct S01e13 Two Against The RockSpace Precinct - S01E12 Two Against the Rock Space Precinct S01e12 Divided We Stand 0% 50 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e12 Divided We StandSpace Precinct S01e12 Divided We StandSpace Precinct - S01E11 Divided We Stand Space Precinct S01e11 Illegal 0% 33 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e11 IllegalSpace Precinct S01e11 IllegalКосмический полицейский участок - S01E10 Illegal Space Precinct S01e10 Seek And Destroy 0% 27 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e10 Seek And DestroySpace Precinct S01e10 Seek And DestroySpace Precinct - S01E09 The Power Space Precinct S01e09 The Power 0% 36 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e09 The PowerSpace Precinct S01e09 The PowerSpace Precinct - S01E08 Seek and Destroy Space Precinct S01e08 Deadline 0% 34 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e08 DeadlineSpace Precinct S01e08 DeadlineSpace Precinct - S01E07 Deadline Space Precinct S01e07 Time To Kill 0% 36 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e07 Time To KillSpace Precinct S01e07 Time To KillSpace Precinct - S01E06 Time to Kill Space Precinct S01e06 Body And Soul 0% 65 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e06 Body And SoulSpace Precinct S01e06 Body And SoulSpace Precinct - S01E05 The Snake Space Precinct S01e05 The Snake 0% 42 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e05 The SnakeSpace Precinct S01e05 The SnakeSpace Precinct - S01E04 Double Duty Space Precinct S01e04 Flash 0% 43 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e04 FlashSpace Precinct S01e04 FlashSpace Precinct - S01E03 "Space Precinct" Body & Soul Space Precinct S01e03 Enforcer 0% 22 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e03 EnforcerSpace Precinct S01e03 EnforcerSpace Precinct - S01E02 Enforcer Space Precinct S01e02 Protect And Survive 0% 32 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e02 Protect And SurviveSpace Precinct S01e02 Protect And SurviveSpace Precinct - S01E01 Protect and Survive Space Precinct S01e01 Double Duty 0% 71 0 mais de 4 anos
Space Precinct S01e01 Double DutySpace Precinct S01e01 Double Duty