1998 - Felicity
She's about to make the best mistake of her life.
A história da série começa na formatura do colegial de Felicity Porter, onde ela pede a Ben Covington, um estudante que ela estivera apaixonada, para assinar seu anuário. Movida pelo comentário dele que desejava ter conhecido ela antes, Felicity muda de planos completamente, deixando de ir para a Universidade de Stanford e indo para Universidade de Nova York, onde Ben iria estudar. Essa decisão irrita seus controladores pais, que não concordam com a ideia de ver sua filha morando sozinha numa cidade grande. Felicity deixa sua casa em Palo Alto, Califórnia, rumo a Nova York. Mas quando chega em Nova York, Felicity descobre que Ben não faz ideia do que ela sente por ele, mas isso não a impede de continuar seguindo seu coração. themoviedb
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Felicity subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 The Last Stand
S01E03 Hot Objects
S01E04 Boggled
S01E05 Spooked
S01E06 Cheating
S01E07 Drawing the Line (1)
S01E08 Drawing the Line (2)
S01E09 Thanksgiving
S01E10 Finally
S01E11 Gimme an O!
S01E12 Friends
S01E13 Todd Mulcahy (1)
S01E14 Todd Mulcahy (2)
S01E15 Love and Marriage
S01E16 The Fugue
S01E17 Assassins
S01E18 Happy Birthday
S01E19 Docuventary
S01E20 Connections
S01E21 The Force
S01E22 Felicity Was Here
S02E01 Sophomoric
S02E02 The List
S02E03 Ancient History
S02E04 The Depths
S02E05 Crash
S02E06 The Love Bug
S02E07 Getting Lucky
S02E08 Family Affairs
S02E09 Portraits
S02E10 Great Expectations (1)
S02E11 Help for the Lovelorn
S02E12 The Slump (2)
S02E13 Truth or Consequences
S02E14 True Colors
S02E15 Things Change
S02E16 Revolutions
S02E17 Docuventary II
S02E18 Party Lines
S02E19 Running Mates
S02E20 Ben Was Here
S02E21 The Aretha Theory
S02E22 Final Answer
S02E23 The Biggest Deal There Is
S03E01 The Christening
S03E02 The Anti-Natalie Intervention
S03E03 Hello, I Must Be Going
S03E04 Greeks and Geeks
S03E05 Surprise
S03E06 One Ball, Two Strikes
S03E07 Kissing Mr. Covington
S03E08 A Good Egg
S03E09 James and the Giant Piece
S03E10 Final Touches (a.k.a. Let's Get It On)
S03E11 And to All a Good Night
S03E12 Girlfight
S03E13 Blackout
S03E14 The Break-Up Kit
S03E15 Senioritis
S03E16 It's Raining Men
S03E17 The Last Summer Ever
S04E01 The Declaration
S04E02 My Best Friend's Wedding
S04E03 Your Money or Your Wife
S04E04 Miss Conception
S04E05 Boooz
S04E06 Oops...Noel Did It Again
S04E07 The Storm
S04E08 The Last Thanksgiving
S04E09 Moving On
S04E10 Fire
S04E11 A Perfect Match
S04E12 Future Shock
S04E13 Kiss and Tell
S04E14 Raising Arizona
S04E15 The Paper Chase
S04E16 Ben Don't Leave
S04E17 The Graduate
S04E18 Time Will Tell
S04E19 The Power of the Ex
S04E20 Spin the Bottle
S04E21 Felicity Interrupted
S04E22 Back to the Future
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Felicity 4x06 - Oops. . . Noel Did It AgainFelicity 4x06 - Oops...Noel Did It Again"Felicity" Oops... Noel Did It Again Felicity 4x06 - Oops...Noel Did It Again 0% 140 0 aproximadamente 10 anos
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Felicity - 4x18 - Time Will TellFelicity - 4x18 - Time Will TellFelicity - S04E15 The Paper Chase Felicity - 4x15 - The Paper Chase 0% 363 0 mais de 11 anos
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fe410fe410Felicity - S02E08 Family Affairs fe208 0% 515 0 quase 12 anos
fe208fe208Felicity - S01E04 Boggled fe04 0% 792 0 quase 12 anos
fe04fe04Felicity - S02E06 The Love Bug Felicity 2x06 The Love Bug 0% 529 0 quase 12 anos
Felicity 2x06 The Love BugFelicity 2x06 The Love BugFelicity - S02E05 Crash Felicity 2x05 Crash 0% 554 0 quase 12 anos
Felicity 2x05 CrashFelicity 2x05 CrashFelicity - S04E09 Moving On fe409 0% 351 0 quase 12 anos