1985 - ThunderCats
Animovaný seriál o skupine mačkovitých humanoidov, ktorí musia utiecť zo svojej planéty, ktorej hrozí zničenie. Pristanú na planéte zvanej Third Earth, kde bojujú s nemŕtvym Mumm-Ra a jeho armádou rôznych zvieracích mutantov. themoviedb
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ThunderCats subtitles for episodes from season 3
S03E01 ThunderCubs (1)
S03E02 ThunderCubs (2)
S03E03 ThunderCubs (3)
S03E04 ThunderCubs (4)
S03E05 ThunderCubs (5)
S03E06 Totem of Dera
S03E07 The Chain of Loyalty
S03E08 Crystal Canyon
S03E09 The Telepathy Beam
S03E10 Exile Isle
S03E11 Key to Thundera
S03E12 Return of the ThunderCubs
S03E13 The Formula
S03E14 Locket of Lies
S03E15 Bracelet of Power
S03E16 The Wild Workout
S03E17 The Thunderscope
S03E18 The Jade Dragon
S03E19 The Circus Train
S03E20 The Last Day