2013 - Hataraku Maou-sama!
Originálny názov: はたらく魔王さま!
Démoní kráľ Sadao je len krôčik od dobytia sveta, keď je porazený Hrdinkou Emilia a nútený presunúť sa do iného sveta - novodobého Tokia. Nakoľko jediné, čo démoní kráľ dokáže, je dobývať svet – čo je skutočne nevyhnutná schopnosť v situácii, v ktorej sa ocitol – musí pracovať ako brigádnik v MgRonalde, aby mohol platiť prenájom a ostatné životné náklady. themoviedb
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Hataraku Maou-sama! subtitles for episodes from season 2
S02E01 The Devil Screams in Sasazuka
S02E02 The Devil and the Hero Inconceivably Become Parents
S02E03 The Devil and the Hero Go to the Amusement Park as Advised
S02E04 The Devil Learns the Pain of Losing Something Precious
S02E05 The Devil Is at Sea After Losing His Home and His Job
S02E06 The Hero Helps the Devil Reequip His Workplace
S02E07 The Devil Learns That Choshi (and the World) Are Bigger Than He Knew
S02E08 The Devil Begins Farming
S02E09 The Devil and the Hero Rise Up to Defend the Sasakis
S02E10 The Devil Adamantly Insists on Buying a TV
S02E11 The Devil Preaches Human Interaction
S02E12 The Devil and the Hero Focus on What's Happening Right Now
S02E13 The Devil Returns to the Workplace
S02E13 The Devil Returns to the Workplace
S02E14 The Devil and the Hero Question Their Daily Routine
S02E15 The Devil and the Hero Take the First Steps toward a New Dream
S02E16 The Devil and the Hero Go Futon Shopping
S02E17 The Hero Says Goodbye for a Time
S02E18 The Devil Gets Off to a Late Start
S02E19 The Hero Weeps
S02E20 The Hero Questions Her Hometown
S02E21 The Devil Vomits
S02E22 The Devil Loses His Standing
S02E23 The Hero Dances on the Battlefield
S02E24 The Devil and the Hero Witness Change in Ente Isla