2008 - מרלין
Magic is his destiny.
Original title: Merlin
הרפתקאות הקוסם האגדי מרלין בהיותו נער. מרלין, קוסם בגיל ההתבגרות, מגיע לקמלוט בתקווה למצוא שימוש לכישוריו המתפתחים בקסם. הוא מוזמן על-ידי גאיוס, רופא הממלכה, אך מרלין במהירות לומד קסם אשר נאסר על-ידי המלך אתר, מנהיג העריצים בממלכה, העונש על למידת קסם הוא מוות. מרלין מתחבר לארתור הנסיך המפונק ויורש העצר של הממלכה. מרלין משמש כמשרתו ולאחר מעט מתחים, הם נהפכים לחברים טובים. מרלין מגלה כי יעודו הוא להגן על חייו של ארתור עלמנת שיוכל להפוך למלך הטוב ביותר שיהיה לקמלוט. themoviedb
קישורים מעניינים
מרלין subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 The Dragon's Call
S01E02 Valiant
S01E03 The Mark of Nimueh
S01E04 The Poisoned Chalice
S01E05 Lancelot
S01E06 A Remedy to Cure All Ills
S01E07 The Gates of Avalon
S01E08 The Beginning of the End
S01E09 Excalibur
S01E10 The Moment of Truth
S01E11 The Labyrinth of Gedref
S01E12 To Kill the King
S01E13 Le Morte d'Arthur
S02E01 The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
S02E02 The Once and Future Queen
S02E03 The Nightmare Begins
S02E04 Lancelot and Guinevere
S02E05 Beauty and the Beast (1)
S02E06 Beauty and the Beast (2)
S02E07 The Witchfinder
S02E08 The Sins of the Father
S02E09 The Lady of the Lake
S02E10 Sweet Dreams
S02E11 The Witch's Quickening
S02E12 The Fires of Idirsholas (1)
S02E13 The Last Dragonlord (2)
S03E01 The Tears of Uther Pendragon (1)
S03E02 The Tears of Uther Pendragon (2)
S03E03 Goblin's Gold
S03E04 Gwaine
S03E05 The Crystal Cave
S03E06 The Changeling
S03E07 The Castle of Fyrien
S03E08 The Eye of the Phoenix
S03E09 Love in the Time of Dragons
S03E10 Queen of Hearts
S03E11 The Sorcerer's Shadow
S03E12 The Coming of Arthur (1)
S03E13 The Coming of Arthur (2)
S04E01 The Darkest Hour (1)
S04E02 The Darkest Hour (2)
S04E03 The Wicked Day
S04E04 Aithusa
S04E05 His Father's Son
S04E06 A Servant of Two Masters
S04E07 The Secret Sharer
S04E08 Lamia
S04E09 Lancelot du Lac
S04E10 A Herald of the New Age
S04E11 The Hunter's Heart
S04E12 The Sword in the Stone (1)
S04E13 The Sword in the Stone (2)
S05E01 Arthur's Bane (1)
S05E02 Arthur's Bane (2)
S05E03 The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
S05E04 Another's Sorrow
S05E05 The Disir
S05E06 The Dark Tower
S05E07 A Lesson in Vengeance
S05E08 The Hollow Queen
S05E09 With All My Heart
S05E10 The Kindness of Strangers
S05E11 The Drawing of the Dark
S05E12 The Diamond of the Day (1)
S05E13 The Diamond of the Day (2)
Merlin - S01E03 The Mark of Nimueh Merlin S01E03 - The Mark Of Nimueh 0% 306 0 8 חודשים
Merlin S01E03 - The Mark Of NimuehMerlin S01E03 - The Mark Of NimuehMerlin - S01E13 Le Morte d'Arthur Merlin S01E13 - Le Morte D'Arthur 0% 215 0 8 חודשים
Merlin S01E13 - Le Morte DArthurMerlin S01E13 - Le Morte DArthurMerlin - S01E01 The Dragon's Call 01 - The Curse Of Cornelius Sigan 0% 266 0 8 חודשים
01 - The Curse Of Cornelius Sigan01 - The Curse Of Cornelius SiganMerlin - S01E02 Valiant 02 - The Once & Future Queen 0% 107 0 8 חודשים
02 - The Once & Future Queen02 - The Once & Future QueenMerlin - S01E03 The Mark of Nimueh 03 - The Nightmare Begins 0% 58 0 8 חודשים
03 - The Nightmare Begins03 - The Nightmare BeginsMerlin - S01E04 The Poisoned Chalice 04 - Lancelot & Guinevere 0% 228 0 8 חודשים
04 - Lancelot & Guinevere04 - Lancelot & GuinevereMerlin - S01E05 Lancelot 05 - Beauty & The Beast 0% 98 0 8 חודשים
05 - Beauty & The Beast05 - Beauty & The BeastMerlin - S01E06 A Remedy to Cure All Ills 06 - Beauty & The Beast II 0% 85 0 8 חודשים
06 - Beauty & The Beast II06 - Beauty & The Beast IIMerlin - S01E08 The Beginning of the End 08 - The Sins Of The Father 0% 66 0 8 חודשים
08 - The Sins Of The Father08 - The Sins Of The FatherMerlin - S01E09 Excalibur 09 - The Lady Of The Lake 0% 50 0 8 חודשים
09 - The Lady Of The Lake09 - The Lady Of The LakeMerlin - S01E10 The Moment of Truth 10 - Sweet Dreams 0% 84 0 8 חודשים
10 - Sweet Dreams10 - Sweet DreamsMerlin - S01E12 To Kill the King 12 - The Fires Of Idirsholas 0% 19 0 8 חודשים
12 - The Fires Of Idirsholas12 - The Fires Of IdirsholasMerlin - S01E13 Le Morte d'Arthur 13 - The Last Dragonlord 0% 0 0 8 חודשים
13 - The Last Dragonlord13 - The Last DragonlordMerlin - S01E01 The Dragon's Call 01 - The Tears Of Uther Pendragon 0% 194 0 8 חודשים
01 - The Tears Of Uther Pendragon01 - The Tears Of Uther PendragonMerlin - S01E02 Valiant 02 - The Tears Of Uther Pendragon (Part Two) 0% 159 0 8 חודשים
02 - The Tears Of Uther Pendragon (Part Two)02 - The Tears Of Uther Pendragon (Part Two)Merlin - S01E03 The Mark of Nimueh 03 - Goblin's Gold 0% 55 0 8 חודשים
03 - Goblins Gold03 - Goblins GoldMerlin - S01E04 The Poisoned Chalice 04 - Gwaine 0% 238 0 8 חודשים
04 - Gwaine04 - GwaineMerlin - S01E05 Lancelot 05 - The Crystal Cave 0% 80 0 8 חודשים
05 - The Crystal Cave05 - The Crystal CaveМерлин - S01E06 A Remedy to Cure All Ills 06 - The Changeling 0% 31 0 8 חודשים
06 - The Changeling06 - The ChangelingMerlin - S01E07 The Gates of Avalon 07 - The Castle Of Fyrien 0% 94 0 8 חודשים
07 - The Castle Of Fyrien07 - The Castle Of FyrienMerlin - S01E08 The Beginning of the End 08 - The Eye Of The Phoenix 0% 37 0 8 חודשים
08 - The Eye Of The Phoenix08 - The Eye Of The PhoenixMerlin - S05E02 Arthur's Bane (2) Merlin.S05E02.Arthurs.Bane.Part.2.All.Release.BluRay.Source 0% 246 0 8 חודשים
Merlin. S05E02. Arthurs. Bane. Part. 2. All. Release. BluRay. SourceMerlin.S05E02.Arthurs.Bane.Part.2.All.Release.BluRay.SourceMerlin - S01E09 Excalibur 09 - Love In The Time Of Dragons 0% 54 0 8 חודשים
09 - Love In The Time Of Dragons09 - Love In The Time Of DragonsMerlin - S01E11 The Labyrinth of Gedref 11 - The Sorcerer's Shadow 0% 50 0 8 חודשים
11 - The Sorcerers Shadow11 - The Sorcerers Shadow