2004 - Winx Club
S01E11 Junior League
When Flora makes a potion to repel the witches, some of her experiments start to give Stella and Techna problems. After an arguement, Flora decides to finish her experiments at Black Mud Swamp. Feeling guilty, Bloom takes the rest of the girls to help Flora. Flora needs one more ingredient to finish the potion and needs to get it from the Junior League of the Swamp. The Junior League decides they will give the girls the last ingredient if they can destroy a monster taking food from the swamp. After saving Musa from a giant turtle the girls go on the island to destroy the monster. The girls find out the monster is a tree/parasite and Flora and Bloom destroy it. The girls come back telling them the monster has been destroyed and the League give them the flower. Unforetunately, the League is in trouble from the food shortage and need to move on. But at the end, Flora helps them out with her invention the Vegal Cloner to regrow back their food and Stella and Techna apologize. themoviedb
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