2004 - 喬伊
Original title: Joey
[Friends老友記/六人行]後的Joey在LA的單飛篇,期待紐約老友們的來訪。 揮手作別相伴十載的“Friends”,Joey也告別在紐約成家立業的老友們,來到陽光燦爛的洛杉磯繼續追逐他的明星夢。LA住著他的姐姐Gina,一比特火辣性感、容易興奮的美髮師,同時也是一比特未婚母親,她的天才兒子,20歲Michael,是一比特研究火箭科學的研究生,由於無法繼續忍受母親Gina無微不至的照料,Michael搬來與舅舅Joey同住。但Gina仍對兒子放心不下,天天都要來照看寶貝兒子有沒有被花花公子般的Joey所帶壞。缺少書本知識的Joey與不擅長人際交往的Michael正好形成了互補,Michael也在Joey的指點下開始了自己的追女仔計畫… themoviedb
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喬伊 subtitles for episodes from season 2
S02E01 Joey and the Big Break (1)
S02E02 Joey and the Big Break (2)
S02E03 Joey and the Spanking
S02E04 Joey and the Stuntman
S02E05 Joey and the House
S02E06 Joey and the ESL
S02E07 Joey and the Poker
S02E08 Joey and the Sex Tape
S02E09 Joey and the Musical
S02E10 Joey and the Bachelor Thanksgiving
S02E11 Joey and the High School Friend
S02E12 Joey and the Tijuana Trip
S02E13 Joey and the Christmas Party
S02E14 Joey and the Snowball Fight
S02E15 Joey and the Dad
S02E16 Joey and the Party for Alex
S02E17 Joey and the Big Move
S02E18 Joey and the Beard
S02E19 Joey and the Critic
S02E20 Joey and the Actor's Studio
S02E21 Joey and the Holding Hands
S02E22 Joey and the Wedding