2010 - 了解宇宙如何運行
Original title: How the Universe Works
談到宇宙許多人總是充滿著疑惑,但同時也會感嘆它的浩瀚與永恆,深深為那繁星點點的廣袤夜空感到著迷。在已知的科技與資訊中我們所能得到有關宇宙的印象幾乎都是平面的,大部分的人只能在有限的想像力中去揣摩無限迷人的宇宙世界。影片裡的時間大多以一百萬年為單位,而距離則以光年為單位。影片會向你介紹宇宙中的各種星體,黑洞,星系,還有一些其他的天體,還會帶你到1305億光年遠的地方去欣賞宇宙形成之初的景色。你會體會到宇宙或自然力量的強大,同時你也會感受到宇宙的危險。 themoviedb
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了解宇宙如何運行 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S03E01 Journey from the Center of the Sun
S03E02 宇宙的终结
S03E03 木星:毁灭者还是守护者?
S03E04 大爆炸的第一秒
S03E05 土星还活着吗?
S03E06 大灭绝武器
S03E07 黑洞创造银河系?
S03E08 我们的星际之旅
S03E09 寻找第二个地球
S04E01 你的座驾是如何被宇宙创造的
S04E02 太阳系的边缘
S04E03 金星,地球的邪恶双胞胎
S04E04 生命的起源
S04E05 黑洞怪兽
S04E06 大规模建造的力量
S04E07 Secret History of the Moon
S04E08 最初的海洋
S05E00 "How the Universe Works" Most Amazing Discoveries
S05E01 Most Amazing Discoveries
S05E02 Black Holes: The Secret Origin
S05E03 Black Holes: The Secret Origin
S05E04 Secret History of Pluto
S05E05 Stars That Kill
S05E06 The Universe's Deadliest
S05E07 Life and Death on the Red Planet
S05E08 The Dark Matter Enigma
S06E01 黑洞真实存在吗
S06E02 Strange Lives of Dwarf Planets
S06E03 Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries
S06E04 Uranus & Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants
S06E05 类星体之谜
S06E06 Death of the Milky Way
S06E07 War on Asteroids
S06E08 Secret History of Mercury
S06E09 Dark History of the Solar System
S06E10 Mystery of Spacetime
S07E01 噩梦般的中子星
S07E02 When Supernovas Strike
S07E03 The Interstellar Mysteries
S07E04 Secret World of Nebulas
S07E05 Secret World of Nebulas
S07E06 Did the Big Bang Really Happen?
S07E07 Battle of the Dark Universe
S07E08 Hunt for Alien Life
S07E09 Finding the New Earth
S07E10 卡西尼号大发现
S08E01 新的威胁
S08E02 NASA的火星之旅
S08E03 寻找地外生命
S08E04 恒星之死
S08E05 时间旅行的秘密
S08E06 NASA的木星任务
S08E07 宇宙边缘
S08E08 星域怪兽
S08E09 致命轨道
S08E10 "How the Universe Works" Pluto's Strangest Secrets
S08E11 "How the Universe Works" Mysteries of Alien Stars
S08E12 "How the Universe Works" Asteroid Apocalypse
S08E13 "How the Universe Works" Attack of the Asteroids
S08E14 "How the Universe Works" Forces of the Unknown
S10E01 神秘的宇宙网
S10E02 Curse of the Cosmic Rays
S10E03 Hunt for Dark Matter
S10E04 Dark History of Earth
S10E05 追踪宇宙起源
S10E06 Voyager's Ultimate Mission
S11E01 The Moons of Saturn
S11E02 A Robot's Guide to Mars
S11E03 Most Violent Event in the Universe
S11E04 Asteroid: Countdown to Catastrophe
S11E05 Solar System Special
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How. The. Universe. Works. S01E08. 2010. Alien. Moons. BD. MiniSD-TLF_chsHow.The.Universe.Works.S01E08.2010.Alien.Moons.BD.MiniSD-TLF_chsHow the Universe Works - S01E07 Solar Systems How.The.Universe.Works.S01E07.2010.Solar.Systems.BD.MiniSD-TLF_chs 0% 605 0 大约 10 年
How. The. Universe. Works. S01E07. 2010. Solar. Systems. BD. MiniSD-TLF_chsHow.The.Universe.Works.S01E07.2010.Solar.Systems.BD.MiniSD-TLF_chsHow the Universe Works - S01E06 Planets How.The.Universe.Works.S01E06.2010.Planets.BD.MiniSD-TLF_chs 0% 771 0 大约 10 年
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How. The. Universe. Works. S01E04. 2010. Stars. BD. MiniSD-TLF_chsHow.The.Universe.Works.S01E04.2010.Stars.BD.MiniSD-TLF_chsHow the Universe Works - S01E03 Galaxies How.The.Universe.Works.S01E03.2010.Galaxies.720p.BD.MiniSD-TLF_chs 0% 1204 0 大约 10 年
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How. The. Universe. Works. S01E02. 2010. Black. Holes. BD. MiniSD-TLF_chsHow.The.Universe.Works.S01E02.2010.Black.Holes.BD.MiniSD-TLF_chs