2019 - 神祐家族
Prepare for a righteous reckoning.
Original title: The Righteous Gemstones
《神祐家族》由《副校長的逆襲》丹尼麥克布萊德(Danny McBride)主創、編導並擔任執行製作,故事聚焦頻頻出現在電視上佈道的 Gemstones 一家,舉世聞名的他們以耶穌基督的名義,從事各種偏差、貪婪行為、慈善工作等悠久的家族傳統。 themoviedb
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神祐家族 subtitles for episodes from season 3
S03E01 For I Know the Plans I Have for You
S03E02 But Esau Ran to Meet Him
S03E03 For Their Nakedness Is Your Own Nakedness
S03E04 I Have Not Come to Bring Peace, But a Sword
S03E05 Interlude III
S03E06 For Out of the Heart Comes Evil Thoughts
S03E07 Burn for Burn, Wound for Wound, Stripe for Stripe
S03E08 I Will Take You by the Hand and Keep You
S03E09 Wonders That Cannot Be Fathomed, Miracles That Cannot Be Counted