2019 - 神探南西
You can't bury the truth.
Original title: Nancy Drew
南西朱爾是一名聰明絕頂的少女偵探,但是她和一群同鄉年輕人卻成為一宗名流遇害案的疑犯。五人必須聯手洗清自己的罪名。 themoviedb
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神探南西 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 老停尸房的秘密
S01E03 黑暗风暴的诅咒
S01E04 闹鬼的戒指
S01E05 任性的精神案例
S01E06 黑木旅馆的奥秘
S01E07 堕海女王的故事
S01E08 阴影之路
S01E09 隐藏的楼梯
S01E10 毒药之珠的印记
S01E11 邦妮·斯科特的魅影
S01E12 拉克斯珀巷女士
S01E13 小盒子
S01E14 未受邀请的客人的特征
S01E15 马蹄湾的恐怖现象
S01E16 The Haunting of Nancy Drew
S01E17 The Girl in the Locket
S01E18 The Clue in the Captain's Painting
S01E19 "Nancy Drew" Episode #1.19
S01E20 "Nancy Drew" Episode #1.20
S01E21 "Nancy Drew" Episode #1.21
S01E22 "Nancy Drew" Episode #1.22
S02E01 寻找午夜幽灵
S02E02 失去了精神凝聚力的团聚
S02E03 抄写员独立工作的机密
S02E04 埋藏宝藏的命运之所在
S02E05 The Drowned Woman
S02E06 解开玩偶之谜
S02E07 The Legend of the Murder Hotel
S02E08 深入研究蓝宝石中的蜘蛛
S02E09 血衣的谈判与讨价还价
S02E10 《燃烧的新娘》所述之咒语。
S02E11 被遗忘符文的危害。
S02E12 The Trail of the Missing Witness
S02E13 The Beacon of Moonstone Island
S02E14 The Siege of the Unseen Specter
S02E15 The Celestial Visitor
S02E16 钱包
S02E17 危险俘虏的审判
S02E18 失落泪水的回响
S03E01 The Warming of a Frozen Heart
S03E02 The Journey of the Dangerous Mind
S03E03 证人陈述
S03E04 The Demon of Piper Beach
S03E05 The Vision of the Birchwood Prisoner
S03E06 The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter
S03E07 矛盾纠结的内心
S03E08 The Burning of the Sorrows
S03E09 The Voices in the Frost
S03E10 The Confession of the Long Night
S03E11 The Spellbound Juror
S03E12 女巫树的象征
S03E13 被遗弃灵魂的救赎